Chapter Thirty-Three

When Arnin pointed at the house, the girls couldn't help but get a little shocked. Although they knew Arnin was saying that he would get them a house, they never expected that it would be such a large one.

"Arnin, we won't be able to protect a house like this. Plus, we aren't Moth students, so we can't have one." Elidia couldn't help but remind Arnin of the circumstances they were in.

"Don't worry about those minor things. This house will be under my jurisdiction, and you guys are just using it as my people. If others want it, they have to duel me, not you." Arnin spoke nonchalantly, however this caused Elidia to be annoyed.

'Who is your person? I am nobody's person.' She couldn't help but curse in her mind. Just as she was about to continue complaining, she saw Arnin go up the house and knock on the door.

A young man walked out the house. He looked to be a little younger than the girl Arin beat up previously. His realm was also at Orb Birth - Heaven, but it looked as though it was a recent breakthrough.

The young man had a set of snow hair and midnight eyes. His sharp jaw that still had some baby fat outlined what would become a dashing look in the future. His hair was tied in a bun, while his clothes were tight fitting. Although he didn't have muscles like an adult, he was much better than other children his age.

"What do you want?" The boy didn't exude an aura of coldness like the girl and didn't show hostility like Revi, however he was really domineering.

"I want this house. Leave!" Arnin smiled as he looked up at the young man. Arnin didn't care who the other person was, he would get what he wanted, even if he had to cripple the other party.

The boy showed a surprised face before his expression darkened. However, instead of attacking Arnin right away, the boy took a deep breath before showing a very shiny white teeth.

"You want my house? Sure, but as the rules go, beat me a duel." The boy was somewhat angered, but it didn't seem like he was going to lash out.

"Sure." Arnin agreed readily. It was much simpler to negotiate with people who would go straight to the point. Since the boy understood that he wasn't able to deny the duel, he went ahead and brought it up.

Both parties walked away from the house and stood on opposite ends. They faced each other without any hostility emitting from them. Arnin was still frustrated after his meeting with the senior who threw him out of the higher tier houses, but he had calmed down significantly after beating the girl up.

Arnin looked at the boy as his eyes slightly glimmered with a thought. "Before we start, why don't we make a bet?" Arnin proposed. He could see that the boy he was facing was talented, he most likely had a higher talent than Revi.

"A bet? Little kid, aren't you worried that this bet would be more beneficial to me?" The boy was shocked at first, but he laughed slightly. Arnin was much smaller than him in height and most likely strength as well. He didn't think that Arnin would be able to win the duel, let alone a bet.

"Don't worry about me and let me just explain the bet. Just agree or disagree." Arnin looked at the boy seriously.

"If a little kid like you is so confident, why should I back out? Go ahead, explain your bet." The white-haired boy smiled before signaling Arnin to continue.

"If I win, you have to give me the house and you will become my servant." Arnins words were extremely arrogant and the boy couldn't help but widen his eyes before his face showed a hint of displeasure.

"What happens if I win?" The boy showed annoyance after learning what would happen if he possibly lost, which he believed was not going to happen.

"If I lose, the house will stay as yours and I will become your servant. Is that a deal?" The boy thought for a moment before he nodded his head. Although he didn't need a servant, it didn't hurt to have one. Plus, Arnin was also a Moth student, which showed that he was talented. If he could have a talented servant, then he would be able to get better resources and more respect in the Moth group.

"Alright, it is a deal. Remember not to go back on your wo-" Suddenly a sheet was thrown towards him. The boy grabbed it and glared at Arnin for his sudden assault., however the latter only pointed towards the sheet. The boy harrumphed before looked at what the paper held.

It was a contract that stated the things they just discussed. The boy was shocked that Arnin was able to create something like a contract without him even realizing it.

"Sign the contract with your blood, I already did. After that, this bet will be final and neither of us will be able to go back on our words." Arnin smirked as he watched the boy drop his blood onto the contract.

The boy was somewhat hesitant, but he resolved himself and then dropped his blood onto the contract. Suddenly, it vanished into thin air, which made him a little shocked about Arnin's skills.

'This kid was able to make a contract like that so easily; he might be tougher than he looks.' The boy didn't look at Arnin like he did before. Just the contract was a product of high essence control, which only talented or strong people had. If Arnin could do it, that meant that he wasn't weak.

"Let's begin th-" The boy was just about to finish his sentence before he saw that Arnin was gone from his previous location. The boy was surprised in the beginning before he jumped forward and twisted his body around.

Arnin appeared from behind and couldn't help but slightly widen his eyes. The boy had really good reflexes, which showed that his control over his body and his mind were very stable. Arnin couldn't help but smile wickedly. He didn't use his speed to get behind the boy this time, rather he landed, and pushed off the ground towards the boy.

The boy scoffed, before also jumping towards Arnin. Although both of them were different ages, the boy didn't care about that. He felt that Arnin was strong enough to be fought seriously, which even frightened him somewhat.

Both of the boys used their fists to face the other. The fists collided against one another, causing the two to take a couple steps back. Arnin's fist, which at first seemed normal, was anything but. When both of the fists collided, he inserted some threads into the other's body, causing the boy's fist to become numb.

The boy shook his hand in the air, but he felt it losing feeling. There was a small bruise on his fist, but he felt that his loss of feeling was the greatest surprise. He also knew about the numbing effect of the threads; however, he wasn't proficient at using the skill. Seeing that Arnin was able to use the numbing effect caused him great surprise. He lifted his head and looked at the approaching Arnin. He felt a dreadful aura being released from Arnin, causing his body to tremble, albeit slightly.

"Since we did a small exchange, let's get on with the real thing." Arnin spoke quietly as a small tinge of red appeared in his eyes.

'Small exchange? Little kid, that was more than just a small exchange. You basically messed up my hand. How is that a small exchange?' The boy cursed in his head before also releasing his aura. He tried to counter the one Arnin was releasing, however he still couldn't overcome the dread that resulted from the sinister aura. He took another deep breath and his aura began to decrease in size.

Arnin saw the change in the boy's aura. Although it wasn't as large as before, he felt that it was much sharper. 'He condensed it? This boy is much more talented than I thought.' Arnin couldn't help but praise the boy's feat. He condensed his aura into a much stronger form, rather the continuously increasing its pressure. Arnin watch carefully before trying to attempt the same thing. He had past experience with this, but never tried it with the essence aura.


Suddenly, a beastly howl was released from the aura around Arnin. The sinister feeling from before increased by a significant amount. Not only that, but the aura began to squirm slightly, making beastly noises that induced fear into everyone that was watching.

The boy who was facing Arnin couldn't help but take a few steps back. The aura that Arnin was releasing caused his breathing to increase rapidly, his eyes becoming blurry. Since he was the one being directly affected by the aura, he could feel the murderous and evil intent. His eyes blackened before he slowly passed out, however before he did, he noticed that a large Demon like creature had taken form behind Arnin. It had three large horns with a black gas surrounding them.

'What the heck… is… with … this...kid' the boy couldn't take it anymore and blacked out,

Drip Drip

The boy felt water falling onto his face. His eyes opened the gates of darkness and found a brown ceiling. The boy blinked a couple times before turning his head around. He realized that he was inside of a room, rather it was his room.

'Didn't I lose the duel? Why am I in this house?' The boy knew that he lost the duel when he blacked out. He just couldn't understand why he would be in his room.

"You're up. Well hurry up and get changed, we have lots of things to get done." From the left, the boy heard a noise. He turned his head and saw Arnin standing by the door.

He had a confused look on his face before he slowly got up from the bed. Right when he was about to get up, he noticed that he was shirtless. He didn't get flustered or anything, however he noticed a weird mark on his chest. It was crimson mark that resembled a drop of blood.

"What is this?" The boy became horrified at the sight. He jumped out of bed and began to examine his body to see if there were any other marks.

"What's taking so long? Hurry up!" Arnin's voice resounded from outside the door. The boy blanked out before his expression became ferocious. He ran out and glared at Arnin.

'What did you do to me?! What the heck is this thing on my chest?!" The boy was flustered, and his previous calm state was gone.

"What do you mean? That mark is there because you are now my servant. Remember the bet? You just lost the bet, so stop acting like you lost your family!" Arnin was annoyed by the boy's reaction. He lost the bet, so of course the contract would bind him to the agreements

"C-contract?" The boy felt as though a bucket of cold water was dropped on top of him. He looked down and clenched his fists until his knuckles became white.

"You are now my servant and this house is now mine. So, hurry up and get your stuff out of here. As your master, I won't let you live on the streets, but you are going to have to find a new place to live from now on. If you need help finding one, tell me." Arnin acted as though he was showing the boy a new path that could help him.

'This is your fault, you damned kid. If you didn't duel me, I wouldn't be on the streets.' The boy felt infuriated; however, he couldn't do anything except accept the truth. He did sign the contract and it was his fault for losing.

"You can find a house later though. For now, you are going to follow me and help me get some of my tasks done." Arnin didn't wait for the boy, swiftly walking out the house. The boy was stunned for a second before quickly following behind. He could only try and be a servant until Arnin relieved him of the bet. He didn't want to be a servant for a person younger than him, especially since they were both in the Moth group. It would be humiliating if someone saw him.

As he followed him out, he saw two girls standing outside, waiting

"Lilise, Elidia, this is now your place to stay. You will move your things here." Arnin waved his hand and walked away. The girls nodded their heads before rushing into the house with happy expressions. The boy watched all of this happened and his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

'My house belongs to Butterfly students now? What the heck is this?' The boy felt as though he was going crazy. If Arnin took the house, then that would be a little better, since he was a Moth student, but the house now belonged to Butterfly students. He couldn't help but feel wronged.

Both of them walked in while the boy continued to stay depressed.

"What is your name?" Arnin turned his around and asked the boy. The boy looked up with his dull, black eyes.,

"Kurse." He only said one thing before looking back down. Arnin noticed this and smirked.

"You lost the bet so stop acting so low. If you follow me, I will let you see things that you would never have imagined." Arnin smiled before consoling Kurse. He didn't need a half-hearted servant. What he wanted was someone who would complete his tasks for him without much problems. He liked the attitude of the boy when he first met him, which was why he decided to take the boy in. However, if he became a nuisance, then Arnin would be without a servant.

The boy nodded his head and complied. He couldn't really saying anything else because of the contract. If he tried to do something that would go against the contract, he would feel a burning sensation from his chest.

When the two people walked out of the residential area, Arnin turned around and looked at the boy.

"Kurse, as your master, I will explain some of the things that I will be doing in the academy, so you have to prepare for them. I own two houses in the residential area, the original and the one I took from you. My original house also has my demonic beast, which will be taken care of by another Butterfly student. As my servant, you will be assigned to go to my place and make sure that no problems occur with other students. If someone comes and asks for a duel, you will only accept it if you can guarantee a win, if not then you do not accept and tell them to wait for my return." Arnin slowly explained some minor tasks which Kurse reluctantly accepted. Then, a thought hit his mind and he couldn't help but look at Anrin with confusion.

"Wait, what will you be doing then? Like other than the lectures, most people stay in their homes to cultivate. What about you?" Arnin kept saying that he would be away from the house, but where would he be?

"That's my next point. I am going to be working in the Mark Master building. I was assigned a job, so a good portion of my time will be spent there. Your duty as a servant will also require you to follow me there. I will try to find another person to help you with these tasks, so don't worry about that.

Kurse's mouth twitched when he heard that. 'Another servant? Which unlucky person will share the same fate as me?' He couldn't help but feel sorry for the next person that would fall under Arnin. He already felt the strength that Arnin had, so he didn't feel that anyone in the Orb Birth realm would be able to match him.

"W-wait. Did you say Mark Master!?" the boy suddenly remembered Arnin's words and his mind began to spin.

'You're a Mark Master as well?' Kurse looked at Arnin with bewilderment.

"Yeah, it isn't too difficult. Just make sure that you complete your duties. Now, lead me to where the Mark Master building is." Arnin waved his hand. Kurse almost spat out blood when he heard Arnin.

'You don't even know where the Mark Master building is, yet you are one? Kid, stop pulling my leg!'