Chapter Forty-Three

Arnin was feeling great after his breakthrough. He felt that his whole body had an upgrade, and it wasn't a small one either. In the past, when he broke through into the Orb Birth - Sky realm, that change was incomparable to the one he had now. Not only did his powers increase, he also felt that he was able to have a small amount of control over some of the elements he had absorbed, mainly darkness and death. Although he had absorbed components of time before, it was so little that it couldn't be controlled.

Lilise looked at him with glittering eyes. She was happy that Arnin broke through, completely forgetting his title as a bad guy. Elidia watched from further away, however she didn't come forward. She didn't feel like speaking to Arnin, and she was only there because of Lilise.

"Well, it's late, so go and get some sleep. We are going to start our lessons tomorrow." Arnin waved his hand towards Lilise and Elidia. He had just broken through into a new realm and wanted to get used to it. Although he felt his body was much stronger, he still needed to figure out how much stronger, plus he wanted to test out if his control over the saber had increased in any way.

"Alright, I will see you tomorrow then." Lilise smiled before running towards Elidia and rushing back home. At the moment, she still didn't know about what happened in the library, so her impression of Arnin was still that he was a good person.

Arnin smiled as he looked at the trees behind his house. He scoffed before walking back inside.

Entering, he found Vilis looking at him cutely. He then walked towards Arnin and rubbed his head onto his clothes while purring. Arnin gently rubbed Vilis' head with a calm look. He then faintly pushed him aside and sat down back onto the ground. He delved back into his body and began an inspection. Other then the larger orb, Arnin found that all of his threads had the same symbols that the orb did. Each thread carried a hint of death, darkness and a very small amount of time. This pleasantly surprised Arnin, who began to look over his physical condition.

He found that his blood had a small change in it as well. Although it was still crimson, he found hints of black. They weren't impurities, rather they looked like something that was a part of the blood.

Arnin tried to figure out what the black in his blood meant, but he was unsure. Even in his Demon Body, his blood had stayed a single color. He had never heard of blood that had more than two colors. It was extremely fascinating and mysterious.

His body's muscles were more toned than before, however only to a certain extent. His body was small since he was five, so his muscles couldn't grow too much. His hair, which was previously midnight black, started to show small amounts of ash grey. His skin was also smoother, and paler.

Overall, Arnin found that his physical appearance had a small change, but his physical strength was atomically boosted. Plus, his threads went through another change and were more sensitive towards the three types of essence that he had directly absorbed. Arnin felt that he could truly match up to an Essence Manifest - Sky cultivator without much of a problem. In the past he was able to barely match up to an Essence Manifest - Earth cultivator, but he could go up a small realm, possibly even another small realm.

The next thing Arnin wanted to check was his control over the white saber. He had already found three major properties of the saber. First, it could absorb various types of essence. Second, it could control essence to a high degree and be used to create different things. Third was that it could be used as a physical weapon.

Arnin was able to take advantage of the the first property pretty well and could somewhat control the second property as well, however bring it into a physical form was extremely difficult. He was barely able to do it in his fight with Torne, but he couldn't bring out much of it's hidden power.

Right now, Arnin wanted to see how much of the third property he could utilize. He couldn't practice the second one until he made himself a cultivation manual.

Arnin called for the saber and directed it towards his right palm. In his mind he was able to see that the sword was very long. It had a blade, a hilt and even a small fiery ribbon which wrapped around the hilt, but he could barely form the blade, let alone the the rest of the saber.

Slowly, a white blade began to pierce out of Arnin's palm. It didn't damage him, but instead it smoothly moved out. Arnin knew that at this moment, the blade was still in spiritual form, exactly how it would be when he was absorbing essence or creating a mark. This time, however, Arnin did not stop and try to give it physical form, rather he wanted to see how much of the blade he could pull out.

Soon, a meter or so of the blade was visible. Although this was extremely long, Arnin felt that there was a little more left before the hilt. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to bring out anymore. Now that he had pulled out a spiritual blade, Arnin held onto it tightly and tried to figure out a way to make it something tangible. The first thing he tried was to command the saber to turn into a physical entity, however there was no change. Arnin tried to command it a couple times, and even tried to make a deal with it, however there was no change. He scratched his head in confusion. He had many spiritual weapons when he was a Demon, and most would turn into a physical form the moment he grabbed them, while others would turn only when he commanded them to, however he had never run into a spiritual weapon that stayed spiritual after so many attempts.

He was bewildered and couldn't think of anything. This spiritual weapon was different from others because it was formed with the weird essence. It was an anomaly, something he couldn't change. Coming to this point, Arnin decided that he would need to do some research on the spiritual weapons in Afloria. A better option would be if he could find a person who had experience with these types of weapons.

Now that his attempt failed and he had conclude, Arnin decided to see what kinds of powers the spiritual form could release. He remembered that during his fight with Torne, even though the blade was not in a physical state, the latter still received a wound. Not only that, but some of Torne's essence had begun to disappear. Arnin walked towards a vase and slashed it with the saber. The saber went right through the vase like a ghost, however a small crack appeared on the place where Arnin slashed and then the vase… disintegrated. It vanished into the air like ash.

"What is this power? It felt similar to death, but all of the essence was sucked out from the vase." The vase was long gone, however Arnin felt a small amount of essence enter his body and slightly increase his overall essence.

'So, this works similar to how I absorb essence from the air, however I can absorb it directly from other things?' Arnin nodded his head and swung the saber at another item. The same thing happened. Arnin smiled brightly before chuckling.

"What if I used this on a beast or human?" Arnin turned to look at Vilis, who noticed the evil stare. Vilis took a couple of steps back and prostrated onto the ground. Arnin shook his head and decided not to harm Vilis. He still needed him for protection, and even as a companion.

'I will try this on Torne.' Arnin nodded his head and walked out of his house. He tried to scan the area to see if there was anyone watching him, however he felt that no one was around. Nodding his head, he vanished and began to sprint towards the Moth building.

Arnin could sense Torne's position because of the slave mark. He knew exactly where he was, so he was able to sprint towards him without a problem. As he got closer, he smelled a faint fragrance of herbs and plants. He looked towards the walls and found two words, Alchemy and Medicine.

From this, Arnin knew that the two were most likely recuperating from his previous attacks. He couldn't help but wickedly smile. 'Oh Torne, you are my slave, so why are you trying to heal something that I gave you? Such a…' Arnin didn't finish and quickly ran into the medical department. So far, he didn't find any teachers keeping watch, or any students walking around. He knew that most people would be asleep during these hours, and the only reason that there was crowd around his house was because of the commotion his breakthrough made.

Just like the Mark Master department, the medical department had three floors. The first was for selling some pellets for healing and other medicinal herbs, and the second floor was for the injured people. Arnin quickly got onto the second floor. He traced Torne's presence and quietly walked towards him. On the way, he surprisingly found another familiar person.

Monifa Neige. The pretty girl who he had beaten up and stole the house from. Arnin smiled before walking towards her still swollen and bruised face. He looked at her sleeping face before lifting his hand and caressing her bulged cheek.

"You really are a pretty little thing., however if your father goes against me, I don't mind killing him along with your whole clan." Arnin spoke quietly as his caressed the young girl's cheek. Although he had seen many beauties in his life, that didn't mean he didn't like them anymore. In the past, he had abducted many young girls from difference races, and made them his or his general's playthings. If he liked something, he would take it without hesitation. However, right now his body was of a small child's and his powers were weak. He couldn't do the same things he did in the past until he got stronger. Although he had his eyes on this girl, he was going to wait until she grew up and became ripe.

"Hehe! Remember to doll yourself up for our next meeting." Arnin wickedly laughed before walking away. He silently stepped towards the sleeping Torne. He was in a more severe condition then Monifa. For some reason, his silent sleep irritated Arnin.

"Get up!" Arnin grabbed his throat and lifted him off the bed. When the victim opened his eyes and saw Arnin in front of him, he began to panic.

"Arnin! What… are… you… doing… here. *Cough cough*" He forcefully spoke, even though his throat was being tightly held by Arnin.

"I think I heard you wrong. Did you just call your master by his name? Do you want another beating?" Arnin smiled evilly towards Torne.

"M-master… spare me." He began to panic when he saw Arnin's smile. Torne then fell onto the ground face first when Arnin let go. "*Cough cough*, Master, why…" He was just about to question Arnin when he saw the latter glare at him with cold eyes. Quickly, Torne shut his mouth.

"Get up. As my slave, you have work that you must complete whether you are dead or alive." Arnin turned around and began to walk towards the exit. Torne hesitated before his chest began to burn as if a scorching rock was placed right on top of him.

"Master, I am coming, please stop!" Torne spoke a little loudly when he begged for mercy. Arnin vanished from his sight, and next thing he knew, Arnin was stepping on his face with his foot.

"Stop being so loud, slave, or do you want Kurse to experience this with you?" Arnin smiled before creeping towards Kurse with a wicked smile. Torne was a good person who would try and help his juniors, so he began to sweat and panic when he saw Arnin walking towards the injured Kurse.

"Master, please spare him. He is still young. I will listen. I will listen." Torne was much older than Kurse, so he didn't want his junior to suffer at Arnin's hands too much. He already knew that Kurse was beaten silly by Arnin, and that made him extremely sorrowful and mad, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Arnin turned around and looked at Torne, showing his snow-white teeth. "Are you sure? If I bring Kurse along, the amount of work you will do can be reduced by half." Arnin looked at Torne with a taunting expression.

Torne hesitated before resolving himself. "I am sure!" He spoke with determination; however, his teeth were still gritting hard against one another. He knew that the 'work' Arnin mentioned was not going to be anything good.

"Such a loving senior you are. It almost makes me want to free you." Arnin walked over with a face of reluctance. When Torne saw this, his heart began to beat quicker.

'Is this my chance?' Although he didn't think Arnin would free him, he felt that there was a chance that Arnin might upgrade his status from a slave to a servant.

Arnin knew exactly what Torne was thinking. Not only that, but he knew it word by word. Because of the slave mark, he was able to hear the thoughts of Torne, so he knew exactly what to use against him. However, he could only see his thoughts when Torne was in front of him.

"I can't free you, but maybe I can change you from being a slave into a servant?" Arnin touched his chin as his eyes didn't miss a single expression that appeared on Torne's face. The latter's heart was picking up pace and he couldn't help but feel somewhat thrilled.

"Master, I am willing to serve you without a single complaint if you…" However, before he could finish, he felt a sharp pain on his head.

"Joking." Arnin was squatting in front of him as he grabbed onto his hair and tugged it. "You are my eternal slave. There is no going back. Hehe!" Arnin found the grief filled expression on Torne's face was extremely pleasing. He stood up and tugged hard on Torne's hair. "Let's go!"

Torne felt as though a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on top of him and he was buried under extremely cold ice. His last bit of hope was crushed. He felt completely dead on the inside and didn't even know whether he should continue living under such conditions.

"If you plan on killing yourself, then get that out of your head. You won't even be able to scratch yourself unless I say so." Arnin didn't turn around and walked away. Torne got up with his eyes not having much light left in them. He followed Arnin, hoping that the 'work' wasn't too bad.

Arnin arrived back to his house with Torne following him from behind. This was his first time being in Arnin's home, however only one thing in the whole house caught his eyes.

Vilis was snoring in the corner, however when he heard footsteps, he yawned, exposing his sharp teeth to the world. Torne noticed that the beast's realm was much higher than his own and he couldn't help but gasp.

Arnin waved towards Torne, who quickly walked towards Arnin. "Master? What is…" Everything suddenly went black for Torne.

"Vilis, take his robe off, and fetch me some rope." Vilis quickly used his claws to rip up Torne's clothes. He then ran towards a box and pulled out a long rope. "Actually, give me a long chain, not the rope." Arnin changed his instructions, however Vilis happily obliged and got a long, metal chain.

The darkness that trapped Torne slowly began to fade. His eyes opened up, but everything was blurry. He blinked a few times before everything finally cleared.

"Wohh…" He tried to say something, but felt his mouth was extremely numb. He felt nothing, preventing him from making any noise. He tried to use his hands to touch his jaw but found that he couldn't move his arms. They were bound by something. He tried to look over but felt something tightly wrapped around his neck.

Everything was bound, and he couldn't break through whatever was binding him. Usually, even a metal chain could be broken by him, however the chains that held him in place felt much tougher. He just couldn't break through.

Arnin suddenly walked out from a room with a tray. On the tray, there were a couple of knives, and some roles of bandages. Torne began to understand what was happening.

"WOH! WAH! MM!" He tried to make some sounds from his throat, but even those were extremely quiet. He moved around, but nothing happened. Fear was written all over his face, and a small number of tears even appeared in his eyes.

Arnin smiled before walking towards Torne. "Don't worry, I am only testing some theories out. They might even be beneficial to you. Also, I think you need to know pain before understanding what happens when you keep going against me." Arnin shook his head before walking back to the tray. He grabbed a small knife and walked towards Torne.

"MM! WOH! WOH!" Torne tried to scream, but nothing came out. Suddenly, the knife was placed on his lips. Arnin glared right into his eyes, and Torne found that in the black pupils, there some demonic red.

"Shhh! This will be over soon."