Chapter Forty-Five

After Arnin came back from the medical center, he decided to sleep right away. It was already quite late, and tomorrow would be the first official day of the academy. The smell of blood continued to linger inside of his house, and there were even many dark stains on the ground. Arnin didn't clean the tools right away and simply placed them to the side. He would clean them at a later date, or he would just go and get new ones. The tools he used before were not the best, since there was no scapula, or tweezer, or anything that would be good for a proper dissection.

The next day arrived very quickly. Arnin left his house wearing his Moth group robe that also signified his Mark Master identity. Although no one would notice right away, if one stared long enough, they would realize that Arnin's robe also showed his Mark master status.

On the first day, all of the students were required to head to the field that was between the Moth and Butterfly buildings. Many things would be clarified there, and students could go and meet their teachers.

Arnin was of course walking with Lilise and Elidia. Both of them were excited for the first official day, however Arnin noticed the dullness on Elidia's face right away.

'Seems like the whole scene in the library caused some sort of change in her. I should see what happened later and make sure that it isn't detrimental.' Although Arnin didn't care much, the contract binded him to the demands and he was supposed to take care of the two girls. He needed to look over their cultivation and make sure that nothing bad happened.

Elidia noticed that Arnin was looking at her and she quickly turned her head away. She still felt somewhat fearful of Arnin, and even had many bad feelings for him.

Noticing her quick reaction, Arnin smirked before looking straight ahead. He was also looking forward to the first official day. He was still not sure about many things related to Afloria, and so he wanted to learn about them as quickly as possible. The quicker he learned, the faster he could move on and rule the world.

The trio approached a multitude of people standing in the middle of the field. More than two-thirds of the students were from the Butterfly group, while the rest were from the Moth group. Arnin examined his surroundings in hopes to find any of the seniors that lived in the ten major houses. He wanted to see the one that humiliated him so that he could burn the man's face in his mind. He was going to get revenge, and it wasn't going to be quick or simple. He wanted to thoroughly destroy that man.

The three walked past the chatting students, however when the students saw them, many discussed in hushed voices.

"Do you see those two girls?" whispered one of the boys.

"What about them?" asked a fair little girl.

"They are Butterfly students like us; however, they live in the Moth residential area." he answered.

"How are they able to live in the Moth area? Aren't only Moth students allowed there?" The little girl was astonished and confused.

"It's true that the place is just for Moth students, however my friend's brother, who is a Moth student, said that the house the girls live in belongs to a strong Moth student." He spoke proudly when he mentioned his relation to a relative of a Moth student.

"Those girls are so lucky. If only I could live in the Moth area." The other student began to daydream about the Moth residential area. It was supposedly much better than the one the Butterfly students lived in, so she was somewhat jealous.

The two girls heard bits and pieces of the many conversations around them and could make out the subject of those conversations. Lilise was feeling extremely proud because of the fact that she lived in the Moth residential area. Elidia, however, was feeling something else. She enjoyed the Moth area, although she barely came out, but she would rather go back to the Butterfly living quarters than stay close to Arnin.

Arnin also heard the conversations but chose to ignore them. Since the students were useless to him and discussed no important information, why should he pay attention to such small talk?

Arnin walked with the two girls following him from behind. The crowd was split in two groups. The front consisted mostly of Moth students, while the back had more Butterfly students. Of course, some students of each group were on both sides, depending on whether they were with friends from the other group.

Arnin didn't want to stay in the back and pushed his way to the front. He still kept a lookout for the senior students, however for some reason, there were none in sight. He felt disappointed, however he ignored it. Maybe not now, but he would eventually meet them all and have them die slowly under his feet.

Even though there was only one senior student that had humiliated him, Arnin felt that the rest of the seniors were probably no different. Power made one arrogant, and if one with great power acted kind on the outside, then they were most likely sly foxes. Arnin had experienced many things and he firmly believed in this. No person was inherently good, not even someone from the Heaven tribe.

As Arnin was walking through the group of Moth students, he heard someone from behind. "Hey! Who the hell said that you could go in front of us? The newest students stay in the back; only the older students can go forwards."

Arnin turned around and found a young Moth student who was around the same age as Kurse. He had azure eyes with short brown hair. His skin was pale, however if one looked closer, they could find a tan line above his elbow. The robe he wore was one from the Moth group, however it seemed as though he cut half the sleeves off.

"I think you have it wrong." Arnin smiled towards the brown-haired youth.

"What do you mean I have it wrong? Get to the back of the group." The brown-haired boy didn't budge and insisted that Arnin moved to the back. He shook his head and slowly walked towards the boy. Elidia felt a small amount of aura being released from Arnin and she couldn't help but panic, thinking back to the library scene. She quickly ran and stood between the boy and Arnin.

"What are you doing?" Arnin glared at Elidia who stood in front of him. Although he was supposed to make sure that she wasn't hurt by others, that didn't mean that she could continue to come in his way and bother him.

"Arnin, can't you let it go? He is only stating some rules that he knows. He hasn't said anything wrong." Elidia spoke in an almost pleading tone. Her eyes showed fear and panic, and Arnin of course saw it cleary. Lilise quietly stood by, confused. She didn't think that Arnin would go and do anything bad, primarily because she was sent out of the library, so she didn't know Arnin's personality too well. Elidia, on the other hand, knew a little too well. She knew that if Arnin wanted, he could ruthlessly beat up the boy in front of him, leaving him in a half-dead state.

"Elidia, move aside. I won't ask again." Arnin glared and spoke with irritation. He hated it when people came in his way just when he was about to do something. It didn't matter who it was, it would always bug him.

"Little Butterfly girl, get out the way. He can't touch me even if he wanted. He is nothing more than a brat." The boy behind Elidia smirked before pushing Elidia aside. He didn't push her too hard, however Elidia still fell onto the ground. Arnin smirked when he saw this, but then looked back at Elidia.

"I am supposed to make sure that no one hurts you guys. Since this guy here pushed you onto the ground, I have every right to do whatever I want. You can watch with your sister or…" Arnin smiled at the fallen Elidia. Lilise quickly went to help her sister up, however she suddenly felt a hand grab tightly onto her arm.

"Sis?" Lilise looked at Elidia with confusion. She heard what Arnin said, however she still couldn't convince herself that Arnin would do anything bad. She had fully believed him when he said that he would let Kurse and Torne have their freedom, and so she continued to blindly believe in him.

"Lilise, come with me for a sec. I want to show you something that Arnin gave me." Elidia knew that she couldn't do anything to help the brown-haired boy, so she bitterly shook her head and tried to quickly get Lilise out of the area. She had seen Arnin's ruthlessness and didn't want Lilise to see it too.

"But what about Arnin?" Lilise could also feel that something wasn't right. Elidia quickly thought of an excuse and suddenly came up with one. She moved her mouth towards her sister's ear and whispered quietly.

"This boy is Arnin's good friend, however Arnin hasn't met him in a long time. I didn't know, but Arnin secretly sent me a message that he wants to talk to this boy alone." Elidia didn't have anything else to say. She could only hope that Lilise would fall for the lie.

"So that is the case? He could have just told me too. Why does he need to hide it?" Although Lilise 'understood' the truth, she still felt confused.

"Let's just go and give them some time to talk." Lilise nodded and quickly walked away with Elidia. The brown-haired boy saw the whole scene and was dumbfounded. He then looked at Arnin, who was slowly approaching him.

"Now then, let me explain the real rules to you. The weakest stay in the back, while the strongest go to the front. This is not about seniority, but strength." Arnin smiled and was already in front of the boy. He was still just five years old, so his body was smaller than the boy's, however the aura that was slowly emitted by him was much stronger. The boy felt the sinister aura that Arnin was releasing and he couldn't help but take a deep gulp.

"Stop!" Suddenly a voice sounded from the crowd. Everyone turned to look towards the sound. Arnin also heard the sound and couldn't help but snort. Quickly, he punched the boy in the abdomen, causing him to spit out a large amount of saliva. He then fell to the ground, holding onto his belly.

The person who screamed out was no one else, but Xillar. He noticed Arnin's aura from afar and felt that he was going to start something once more. He couldn't do much to Arnin because of the mysterious protector, but that didn't mean that he couldn't protect other students from him.

'Dammit, this kid gives me no respect!' Xillar gritted his teeth when he saw Arnin punch the other kid without any hesitation.

"Oops." Arnin looked at Xillar with a faint smile before walking towards the place where Lilise and Elidia went.

Xillar shook his head before walking towards the fallen boy. "Teacher, you have to teach that kid some manners. I am his senior. How could he hit me like that? Not only that, but he did a sneak attack! What a shameless person." The boy was gritting his teeth and couldn't help but complain. He felt Arnin's power in that one punch, and he knew that he wasn't nearly as strong as him.

"Don't worry. Someday, he will be taken care of." Xillar spoke in a serious tone, however the boy didn't here the second half of the sentence. He only heard the 'Don't worry' part.

Elidia and Lilise waited patiently for Arnin. Elidia was feeling anxious and worried for the boy, while Lilise was happily waiting for Arnin to finish speaking with his 'friend'.

"You two, let's go." Arnin walked over without them noticing, and then walked back to where he came from. Lilise looked at Elidia before following quickly. Elidia, on the other hand, was somewhat hesitant, however she forced her way forward.

"Elidia, my friend was lucky today. We didn't get to talk at all." Arnin spoke with a dark smile. Elidia was somewhat happy that nothing happened, however she was astonished that Arnin knew what she had whispered to her sister.

'How did he hear me? I was so quiet.' Elidia shook her head and decided not to think about it. She knew that Arnin was mysterious, plus he was very strong. Elidia wasn't able to figure him out and didn't wish to. He was just too scary.

"Arnin, if you need to talk to your friends, you can just tell us. We won't mind." Lilise spoke sweetly. Arnin looked her before looking at Elidia. He then smirked.

"Lilise, do you want to know what me and my friend were talking about?" Arnin didn't look at Lilise when he spoke. His eyes kept looking at Elidia, who then began to panic.

"Umm, if--" Before Lilise could answer, she felt a pinch on her arm. "Ow!" She looked at the person who pinched her.

"Lilise, it is rude to ask about other people's affairs. Don't ask again." Elidia glared at her sister, who quickly ducked her head and didn't say anything else. Arnin teasingly smiled towards Elidia, who looked away with anger.

Arnin decided not to go towards the front anymore, instead, he wanted to go and find the chubby kid, Akig. It would be better for him to know where the chubby kid lived, so he could ask him some other small things.

Arnin slowly walked and looked around. He wasn't too tall, so he wasn't able to see over the other people. He then turned around and looked at the two girls.

"Do you guys know where Akig lives? Also, do you know which group he stays with?" Arnin had left Akig and the two girls to find his house on their first day, so he didn't get the chance to discuss much with the kid.

"Akig? Who is that?" Lilise asked innocently.

A chubby kid was standing behind a group of people and coincidentally heard his name from somewhere. This person was none other than Akig. he quickly walked around the group and looked around with great arrogance.

"Who calls my name, the friend of a Moth student!?"