Chapter Fifty-One

Xaac stood watching the scene in shock. He had seen bloody scenes in his life before, but he had never seen such a scene in the academy. He couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

"What the hell happened?!" Xaac quickly snapped out of it, before asking a student with anger.

"U-umm, Teacher, that child over there beat them up ruthlessly. He didn't even give them a chance to surrender." A student spoke with shaky fingers. He pointed towards Arnin, who was sitting in the blood pool, cultivating silently.

"What kind of rubbish are you spouting? That kid is a child, plus he is only in the Orb Birth realm. How the hell could he beat these Essence Manifest students up?!" Although Xaac didn't think the student was lying, he just couldn't believe such a thing.

'An Orb Birth cultivator beat two Essence Manifest cultivators? How is that even possible?' Xaac was standing in shock as he watched Arnin silently sit there.

He then jumped onto the platform and walked towards Arnin. "Kid, what the hell happened? How… why…?" He couldn't even find the right way to word his question.

"Teacher Xaac, I didn't break any of the rules, did I? It was a normal duel, and I beat the other opponent." Arnin spoke without much fluctuation in his voice.

Xaac couldn't believe what he was hearing. Didn't break the rules? Normal duel? "Arnin, that was in no way a normal duel. You injured them so severely, and you call that normal? How is this in accordance to the rules?!" Xaac raised his voice when he spoke. He was angered because of Arnin's attitude towards such a situation. However, he was more curious as to how Arnin beat them, than angry at his actions.

"Actually, I really didn't break any of the rules. People get hurt during duel, and that's what happened to them. I took off his arm, but he can still cultivate. As for his tongue, Een bit it off himself, so that isn't really my fault. Now for the other guy, he ran up during the duel, so I just taught him a lesson. Anyways, he can still cultivate, so no rule was broken here." Arnin smiled towards Xaac, however the latter found that smile to be hell sent, there was nothing pleasing about it.

Xaac was about to say something more, but he couldn't find the words. Arnin was technically not wrong. No rules were broken, and the two injured people could still cultivate, so he wasn't able to punish Arnin for that.

"If you are done here, can you please leave, and let me cultivate? I am going to need to cultivate a little." Arnin lifted his hand and waved it as though he was swatting away flies. It was a rude gesture, however Xaac was in a weird state of mind, so he didn't take too much notice. He walked down the stage with a pale face.

"T-teacher, what are you going to do? What kind of punishment will he receive?" A student asked with worry.

Xaac turned his head and looked at the student with dull eyes. "He doesn't get punished." Xaac's words were like bombs that fell onto the ears of the students. They opened their mouths in shock,

"Teacher, what do you mean? He just beat those two up as if they were his worst enemies. He needs to get punished!" The students thought that letting Arnin off the hook was completely unfair. His actions were so horrific, so why wouldn't he get punished?

"I am sorry, but there is nothing we can punish him for." Xaac said with a bitter smile. He had fully collected himself and couldn't help but feel frightened because of Arnin's cruelty.

"Nothing? What does that mean? He cut that guy's tongue and arms off, and even broke another's jaw. How can he not get punished?" The students were not satisfied with such a response. They wanted Arnin to get severely punished because of his dreadful attack on the other two students.

"He really didn't break any of the rules. He didn't kill anyone. He didn't cripple their cultivation, and both sides agree to the duel. Plus, no one surrendered." Xaac shook his head and felt extremely bitter. He felt as though someone threw rotten fish into his mouth and had him slowly savour the taste.

All of the students, including Surk, couldn't help but gasp. They thought about it for a few moments and also came to the same conclusion as Xaac. Arnin actually didn't break any rules. All of them turned and looked at Arnin with some hatred. They couldn't help but feel angry that he was able to get away with such despicable actions.

Arnin still had his eyes closed and was slowly absorbing the blood essence. He was much slower than he normally would be since he didn't want the others finding out too much about his saber. If they found out that his saber had miraculous functions, who knows what would happen.

Time passed, and two hours quickly flew by. Arnin had finally absorbed all of the blood essence component into his orb. The mark for the blood component was much brighter than before, which was extremely heartening. Now that he got some blood components, Arnin wanted to practice one more thing, the Flames of Neutrality.

He wanted to test out their power and see the extent to which he could control them. He was still struggling with the saber; however, he didn't want to have the same problem with the flames.

He slowly got up from the ground and walked down the platform. Many people had already left the area since night was approaching. The orange sun was slowly sinking behind the horizon which told Arnin that he had very little time left to practice. He decided to practice for about an hour, and then he would head back to his house.

He walked over to a training bag and stood in front of it. He took a deep breath and tried to call out the Flames of Neutrality. Suddenly, a grey flame with two smaller flames inside appeared on his palm. Arnin was still bewildered by the change, however he considered it a good thing that he got more inside the Flames of Neutrality than the creator himself.

The flame floated above of his palm, however there was something very mysterious about the flame. The sound that it made was no sizzling, but more of a snake's hiss. It sounded extremely demonic, however to Arnin, that sounded wonderful.

He then began to think of what the flame should do. He wanted to attack the training bag; however, he wasn't sure whether it could get off of his hand and get it to go further away from his body. Yet, he tried anyways.

He commanded the flame on his palm to move forward, and it began to do as it was told. Arnin then had the flame move up, and it did just that. He was extremely happy that the flame was moving the way he wanted, however he found one problem with it; it stayed in the exact same shape. Arnin wanted to see whether he could make the flames change shape.

Half an hour passed by, and Arnin already figured out that he could change the shape of the flame, and make it move the way he wants, where he wants it. Throughout his experiments, he realized that the flame had a very mysterious power. The training bag in front of him before was no longer there.

Unlike a normal flame, the Flames of Neutrality did not burn things into ashes, or anything of the like. It would completely wipe the object or person out, there would be nothing left of the receiver of the attack. Arnin was very happy with this attack, however he still felt that there was more he hadn't yet uncovered.

Arnin continued to practice his control for a longer period of time on different objects. Sometimes the fence, other times, the training bags, and even the platform. Another half an hour passed quickly, and he was leaving the training area.

Once he went home, one would be astonished to see the sight he left behind. Many of the punching bags were completely gone. There were areas on the fences that had wooden planks that were completely missing, however there was no evidence of any attacks, or thievery. The worst of them all were the platforms. There were holes everywhere, however there was no sign of any stress or breakage, but instead it seemed as though parts of it had just vanished.

Arnin made his way back very quickly. It was already night, and Arnin wanted to quickly rest up. His goal was to have Akig come over and watch Vilis, however he got busy with the Tower, so he didn't have time to get Akig to his house.

He was feeling very tired after the day's cultivation and fights, however he had to go and check on Lilise and Elidia first. He felt that Elidia was acting different, and that there might be a problem, he decided to head there first.

He approached the house and walked in without even knocking. "Lilise! Elidia! Are you guys here?" Arnin yelled out without concerning himself with whether they were sleeping or not. He didn't really care about that.


Arnin head quick footsteps and knew that the two girls were now awake, if they were not before. He made his way into the living room and sat down onto a chair, patiently waiting for the two girls.

The first person he saw was Lilise. She walked into the living room and had an extremely happy smile on her face. Arnin noticed that her eyes were somewhat red and knew that something must have happened. Elidia was the next person to walk in, however her expression was filled with annoyance and hate, however Arnin caught a little dullness in her eyes.

"Arnin? What are you doing here so late? And why are your clothes so dirty? Is that blood?" Lilise walked up with a concerned look in her eyes. She looked at Arnin's condition and couldn't help but feel extremely worried.

"Don't worry, I was just training and fell down. What about you two? How was your first day? Did you guys find anything hard to understand, or did you learn everything?" Arnin first asked the question that had brought him here in the first place. He mostly just cared about their cultivations, however seeing Lilise's red eyes, he curious to know what happened. Since he was supposed to protect them and make sure that they were not harmed, so he needed to know everything that was going on with their lives.

"Umm, everything was good. Sadly, I am not in Orb Birth - Earth yet, so I still find some things hard to understand, but sis was very popular. She was considered one of the talented people in our class." Lilise spoke with enthusiasm when she talked about Elidia, however at the mention of herself, she went a little quiet.

Arnin of course, caught on to this and smiled. Although he didn't really care too much about Lilise's social life, he would still help her if she needed it. Lilise somewhat reminded Arnin of Nekaia, however there were still many differences.

"Lilise, did something happen? You can tell me, you know." Arnin smiled at her, however his smile was very neutral. It contained neither warmth nor coldness.

"W-well, I was just hoping to breakthrough into Orb Birth - Earth as quickly as possible so that I can make some friends too." Lilise started off speaking normally, however her voice became quieter and quieter. Elidia, who was listening from behind, couldn't help but feel sorrowful for her sister. Since her previous condition had not allowed her to enter the Orb Birth - Earth realm, it would be difficult for her to find anyone to talk to.

"So, that's the problem. Well, if you want, I can help you break through right now. How does that sound?" Arnin looked at Lilise with a calm expression. Since his control over the saber had increased, he was able to direct essence towards other people. However, this only applied to people who were at a lower realm than him.

"R-really? Can I really breakthrough right now?!" Lilise looked up with shock and couldn't help but ask with happiness. She really wanted to make some friends and get stronger.

"Of course. I am here to make sure that you guys do well in the academy. Come here." Arnin called Lilise over. "Sit on the ground cross legged." Arnin also got onto the floor.

"What should I do next?" Lilise was feeling extremely excited, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Push your hands against mine lightly. After that, just close your eyes and do what you always do when you cultivate. I will do the rest." Lilise nodded her head and did exactly as Arnin said. He then had the saber come out from his palm and attached it to Lilise's palms.

After Arnin broke through, his skill with the saber went up a notch. Although he wasn't able to fully solidify the saber, he did learn how to insert the saber into another's body, similar to what he would do with his threads. The concept was very similar, so Arnin was able to pick it up instantly.

As the saber went slightly into Lilise's palm, Arnin slowly began to pull his palm back in order to let the blade absorb the essence, however he didn't pull back all the way. He kept a connection between the blade and himself.

He began to absorb the worldly essence into the saber, however he directed it into Lilise's body rather the his own. The process was extremely long and slow. Since Lilise wasn't in Orb Birth - Earth yet, Arnin had to transfer the essence very slowly in her body.

An hour went by, and Elidia watched with worried eyes as she stood to the side. Suddenly, a huge amount of aura began to collect around Lilise. It was so significantly large that people in their surroundings were even woken up by it, however no one was able to tell where the aura was coming from, so they could only stay up and feel it with some shock.

"Is someone breaking through again?" Asked a girl.

"I don't know! When can I get some proper sleep?" Another girl said with some annoyance.

"I agree. This happened last night as well. People just really like to breakthrough when others are sleeping." The previous girl replied replied.

Inside the house, Lilise opened her eyes and her face brightened up. She looked at her hands, and then inspected her whole body. She stood up and smiled even brighter.

"I.... broke… through? I broke through! I broke through!" Lilise began to jump around in excitement. Elidia watched with a smile as she released a sigh of relief. Her eyes carried a tinge of gratitude when she looked at Arnin, however he didn't look back at her.

"Now then, Elidia, let us have a talk as well." Arnin smiled at her before walking out the door.