Chapter Sixty-Three

Walking out of the cauldron shop, Arnin's expression was that of satisfaction. Not only did he get a free cauldron, he also got himself a Purple ranked pill formula, that in itself was an unexpected surprise. In the future, even if he didn't give the old man a pill, nothing could be done to him since he was just an 'assistant' for the supposed master.

Arnin couldn't help but grin at his own luck. All that was left was for him to do was go and buy some tools for gardening and planting. He had already bought some low-level seeds, which were extremely inexpensive. All he had to do now was go back to his home and plant them. After that, he would wait until they grew so that he could use them for his own pills.

He continued to walk through the public area and thought about Akig's condition. That kid was a hybrid human and had the abilities of both a beast and a human. Arnin already planned on going to his village to find out what type of tiger his ancestor mated with, however before that, he had to do many other things.

Arnin knew about many pill formulas that were specifically for hybrids who had yet to awaken their powers and he also knew ways to strengthen a beast's bloodline. As a past Demon Lord, he was in command of both normal beasts, and divine beasts like dragons, so he knew many ways to power them up.

His mind began to think about the many formulas that he possessed. He could only work with simple ones at the moment since Akig's body was still extremely weak and he was not able to absorb too much essence. The gears in his mind turned until finally he remembered a specific formula that was specifically for the tiger beast race.

Arnin had created this formula for one of his generals, the White Tiger Lord of the West. He was a divine beast that controlled space and had power over all tigers. Not only that, but as one of Arnin's four generals, he was the ruler of the west.

In the beginning, the White Tiger Lord was just a small infant that Zhaik had found in a world where tiger's ruled. Not only was the White Tiger Lord extremely weak, he was the target of every other tiger because of his easily seen white fur.

Zhaik had brought the White Tiger back and Arnin found that there was some special bloodline deep inside of its body. Because of this, Arnin began mass experimentation on millions of tigers, some were tortured, while others were just test subjects. It was all just to find out whether every tiger had this bloodline.

At the end of this experiment, Arnin found that every single tiger had a small amount of special blood, some had more, while others had less. The White Tiger that Zhaik had brought possessed the strongest and highest amount of that special blood.

Arnin then created a pill that awakened that special blood, which allowed the White Tiger's strength to soar so he could become the White Tiger Lord that ruled over the western part of the universe.

Arnin knew that there was a high chance that Akig also possessed this special blood, but it would be much lower in quantity than the White Tiger Lord since the former was a hybrid.

'I can create this pill for Akig, however he might not be able to handle it until much later on. Maybe I can start by slowly strengthening his bloodline?' Arnin nodded his head at the thought. Although he knew that creating another Divine White Tiger like the White Tiger Lord would be extremely hard, Akig would be able to get infinitely close to having such power.

Plus, Akig also had the bloodline of the humans, who had the highest adaptability of all the races. There was a chance that a new type of tiger would be created because of his mixed blood.

Arnin couldn't help but smile at such thoughts. The stronger Akig got, the more useful he would be in the future. Arnin wasn't going to keep anyone around unless they had some use for him. If Akig became a burden in the future, then the only thing that Arnin would do is get rid of that burden.

After determining his next course of action, Arnin tried to recall the pill formula. Different amounts of information began to appear inside his mind.

Bloodline Pill: A pill used to awaken the hidden bloodline of a beast. Has high amounts of energy and requires a strong physical body. One must reach the Emperor realm before taking the pill. Created by Demon Lord Arnin.

Arnin nodded his head when he recalled the information, but he also sighed when he saw the requirement. The Emperor realm was a rank that was used in his previous life, and it was the second highest realm that was known in the universe, just below the Lord realm. That was the highest known realm, however Arnin had already far surpassed it, but one knew what realm he was at, not even the Heaven Lord.

Since the Bloodline Pill had such high requirements, Arnin had to find a way to make it simpler, so that it would allow Akig to take the pill.

He began to ponder the formula and the ingredients used. He looked through them and found that he needed the body of an Emperor level beast, a Devil Devouring flower… A list of ten different ingredients appeared in his mind.

Arnin shook his head as he knew that these were extremely difficult to find in Alforia. Although he could get all the herbs if he searched hard enough, the problem was the Emperor level beast. Not only that, but he specifically needed an Emperor level Tiger beast since he was trying to awaken a tiger bloodline.

He already had all of the replacements for the herbs figured out. They were not too difficult to change since he just needed to find the lowest form of the said herb. For example, the Devil Devouring flower was the highest evolution of the low-level herb, Blood Devouring flower.

The only problem that Arnin was running into was finding a suitable tiger to replace the Emperor level tiger. A tiger that would be around the realm of Essence Manifest or Elemental Formation was suitable because he was making a weaker form of the pill. He began to think, and suddenly, it hit him.

'Vilis is about to evolve soon and he is also a tiger beast. Maybe I can use him as the replacement ingredient?' Arnin smiled wickedly before nodding his head. Vilis would be used as the ingredient to replace the Emperor level Tiger beast.

Arnin didn't have much affection for Vilis. Although he found him to be better than most people, that didn't mean that he was loved. Arnin knew that in the long run, Akig would be a lot more helpful than Vilis, plus it was very difficult to care for a beast like him, so since he would be useless, why not sacrifice him?

Arnin was alright with his decision so he began to look for the herbs he needed. Since he altered the Bloodline Pill, and was making it for a low realmed person, he had to look for low level herbs.

He walked around, and after an hour, he was able to find eight out of the nine herbs. All that he was missing was the rare Blood Devouring flower. This flower was very vicious, and although it was considered low level, one needed to have strong mental energy and lots of battle experience to acquire this flower.

The flower had a special characteristic; it would release a baleful aura that would creep into a person body, slowly corroding their insides along with their mind. That person would eventually completely lose themselves to bloodlust and begin a mass slaughter. As the slaughter continued, the flower would slowly devour the blood spilled, and use it to evolve into its next form.

Arnin had been looking for a while, and had checked all of herb shops, but he was unable to find the flower.

'What a pity. Seems like I will need to ask Fasona, or maybe even Fae if they know where to find the flower.' Arnin shook his head and carried the large amount of supplies back to the platform. Ever since he read the dozen cultivation manuals that Fae had given him, he never put them back into his interspatial bag. At the moment, the eight herbs and the formula for the Flame Suppressant Pill were taking up the space. On his back was the large bag filled with seeds, while he was holding the cauldron in front of him.

'I need to get myself another interspatial bag for larger items, or maybe even increase my control over space.' Arnin had never used an interspatial bag in his past life. Because his mastery over space was extremely high, he was able to create space pockets and store items in them. This allowed him to carry around whatever he wanted.

Arnin sighed and walked back to the platform. His goal of finding gardening tools was gone since he knew that he would be unable to carry anything else. Plus, he wasn't allowed to bring Akig into the public area and make him carry stuff, so he would need to come back to purchase the gardening tools at a later time.

Right now, Arnin only had about seven hundred academic points left. The herbs were very expensive since they were fully matured, plus they were somewhat rare. Arnin, however, found that they were actually sold for a good price.

Of the ten ingredients he needed, he had gotten eight of the herbs, and already decided to use Vilis, so last one would need to be searched for later. He had a feeling that the Blood Devouring flower would be extremely expensive.

When Arnin finally got to the platform, he found Akig sitting in the middle. He was looking at all of the people that vanished into thin air with shock and amusement. He had never entered a portal himself, so seeing others use one piqued his curiosity.

"Akig, get up. We are heading over to my house." Arnin said in an expressionless tone.

"Alright. What did you get? Did you get food? I am actually very hungry." Akig began his non-stop chatter, making Arnin a little irritated.

"I didn't bring any food." Arnin said with a wicked smile.

"What? Why not? What are we going to eat then? You should know that I have a very large appetite. My dad would have to get me a full animal for a meal." Akig spoke with sadness yet there was also a hint of pride in his voice. It seemed like he was upset over the lack of food, however he was feeling very prideful at the mention of his own appetite.

"Don't worry. I didn't bring food, but that doesn't mean that you can't eat." Arnin smiled and handed him the cauldron. "Hold this for me." Akig held onto it with both his hands, while Arnin grabbed his left arm. He placed the sphere into the hexagonal hole before both of them vanished.

At the location where Arnin's house was, both of the boys appeared rather quickly. Arnin had his usual expression, however Akig was extremely pale. He then got onto his knees before suddenly…


Akig began to vomit. "That was not fun at *BEEURG* all. Please don't make me do that ag- *BEEURG*." Akig continued to barf, however Arnin ignored him. He grabbed the cauldron from Akig and began to walk towards the house.

"Don't come in until you finish vomiting. I don't want to dirty the house." Arnin was strict when he spoke. Akig could only helplessly nod his head as he sweated profusely and continued to vomit.

His face was ghastly pale, however Arnin didn't plan to help him. Akig needed to get used to teleportation since the academy used it for transportation.

Arnin walked into the house and placed the big bag of seeds by a wall. Arnin then chose a room from the many available and placed his interspatial bag onto the large bed. He didn't plan on taking the herbs out just yet, but he did pull out the formula for the Flame Suppressant Pill.

He looked through it one more time and checked whether the herbs were hard to find. As he slowly looked through it, his expression became serious.

Flame Suppressant Pill Formula: Five cores of Sky Flames that are ranked five hundred or lower. Three flame type demon crystals of beasts reaching Elemental Formation - Heaven or higher. One one-thousand-year-old Wolf Howling Grass…

Arnin hadn't looked at the ingredients needed until now, and when he looked over them, even he felt somewhat shocked. All of the items needed were extremely precious. The only thing that he could possibly get very soon were the three demon crystals, but other than that, everything else would be very difficult to find. A Sky Flame was rare but finding the cores of those flames was even harder than finding a Blood Devouring Flower. A Sky Flame core required the condensation of the flame, and this would usually last at least a thousand years. Finding one was extremely difficult, let alone five.

Arnin began to get a headache. He didn't even think about the fact that such a precious pill would obviously require so many materials. He shook his head helplessly, and lightly massaged his forehead.

'Seems like I am going to have to find a way to collect all of these materials. Where should I begin searching?' Arnin lifted his hand and rubbed his chin.

Back at Arnin's house in the Moth residential area, there was a hidden bag underneath a wooden plank. A sound came from the bag, along with a small white light. It sounded like the buzzing of bees; however, no one was able to hear it. Vilis was in the midst of evolution, so he of course couldn't hear it either.

If Arnin was nearby, he would know right away that the bag itself was not making the sounds and releasing the light, rather it was the thing inside. The item was none other than the mysterious blank page that Fae gave to him. It was finally having some reaction, and it was also earlier than predicted.

Silently, the page flickered for ten minutes before becoming silent once again, leaving the dark room in eerie silence.