War of the Empire (2)


A gigantic fireball was descending onto the city of Blanc. As the giant flaming rocks descended, and waves of dust rolled into the city, the fire spread out.

Instantly, some of the orcs that did not have the chance to dodge the rocks were crushed into mincemeat. These rocks, which were coated in flaming oil, caused numerous roaring fires, which set surrounding structures aflame.

Many people, who were dosed directly by the flaming oil, were lit on fire. These people struggled in agony, before burning to death. Meanwhile, people on both sides rushed about frantically, attempting to put out the fires.

As the flaming rocks continued to descend, trails of fire rained down ceaselessly from above, landing within the city. Following the trails of fire outside the city, there were a row of catapults, which were barraging the city wall continuously.