Divine Incantation List

Lu Zhiyu went to the Divine Kingdom of Gaia and sorted out its internal data. Gaia, in Lu Zhiyu's view, played a similar role to a game console, and the priests and Holy Knights were similar to the game's players.

However, in order to play the game, the player must hold strong beliefs. To obtain access, they need to sacrifice their souls and their futures, their reward being extraordinary power.

Players sent requests to Gaia, either by practicing divine incantations or by the strength of their own skills. Then, the Divine Kingdom of Gaia analyzed their requests and gave them feedback.

This time, Lu Zhiyu had returned to the Silver Moon and adjusted Gaia's sub-brain. As a result, many new divine incantations appeared in the system.

Lu Zhiyu also installed an additional plug-in, which encouraged priests to develop divine incantations themselves. When they uploaded new divine incantations to Gaia, they would receive rewards.