Steam Alchemy Doll

The arbitral knight group were the subordinates of the Faith of the Sun. They first arrived in the Tiridan Kingdom.

Then, after checking the rat men relics, they followed Jonathan and the others all the way to Danello City in the Engido Kingdom. The Engido Kingdom was restored more than a hundred years ago by the family of the Queen of Holy Seville Empire. Now, the holy temple of the Faith of the Sun was located in Primonius, which was the capital of the Engido Kingdom.

Investigations in Danello were intensifying and had impacted its commercial development. Knights of the Faith of the Sun were stopping all of the suspicious people in the city, especially humans.

But, in this city with a population of 100,000, because of trade, there were tens of thousands of resident human beings, many of whom weren't officially registered in the city's books.