Looking at the young man in front of the door, Zhou Jiahao blushed as well. 'Am I... gay? No! It's because of the handsome man!'

He opened the door and looked at the handsome man amiably. "Uh, hello!"

Zhou Lei, who was holding an egg tray all this time, was getting tired. He put the egg tray down the table and ignored his father's greeting.

He sat on the sofa and sighed. "Hai... Zhenya, cook the eggs yourself."

Zhou Zhenya was startled. 'Huh? This prince... knows my name? Wait, eggs?' Only then did she notice the plastic bag that contained an egg tray with a dozen eggs inside.

"Oh, this too. The cashier paid for me... for some reason." Zhou Lei continued speaking as he took out the 100$ bill that his sister gave him.

Zhou Zhenya received the 100$ bill from the prince without knowing why. She then looked at the bill. 'Hmm?'

'This... this is the bill I gave big bro earlier!'

She then looked at the bill, the egg tray, and the prince. That's it! 'This prince... is big bro's friend!'

Zhou Jiahao was naturally confused about the whole situation. 'Eggs? Why did this handsome man bring eggs? And why did he pay my daughter? Don't tell me...'

An image of a love hotel popped up in Zhou Jiahao's mind.

"F**k no!"

The two children ignored their father's cursing. Zhou Zhenya spoke with the prince in a pleading tone. "Sir, where did big bro go? He needs to be the one to cook the egg."

'Hmm? I need to be the one to cook the egg? Why? Wait... where'd big bro go? What do you mean? I'm right here!' Zhou Lei got more confused as he thought about it.

"Uhh..." Zhou Lei massaged his forehead with his fingers. He stood up and went to the bathroom.

Zhou Zhenya was quite unpleased. 'I asked you a question nicely, but you did not answer? What are you doing in our house anyway?'

At this moment, Zhou Lei finally understood why everyone was acting that way. He was looking straight at the mirror.

'It seems that on the way here... I've become unbelievably handsome!' Zhou Lei talked to himself as he laughed.

'But how am I going to prove that I'm Zhou Lei?' This was the problem that he was worried about. In the case of his sister, he himself had knowledge of the fact that she would become beautiful.

However, now, nobody would vouch for the fact that he was Zhou Lei, since he was the only one that really knew about the existence of System.

If he insisted that he was actually Zhou Lei, his family might think that he has a screw loose and send him to the asylum! He didn't want to end up there, especially now that he had this heaven-defying life-changing System!

'Hmm?' Suddenly, he thought of an idea.


Zhou Zhenya was still waiting for her brother's 'friend' to get out of the bathroom and tell her about Zhou Lei's whereabouts. Since he was the only one who could cook an egg so delicious, he was vital.

Meanwhile, Zhou Jiahao had already fallen asleep on the sofa. He didn't even bother to go their bedroom.

Behind the bedroom door, Zhou Xiang was patiently waiting for her husband to beg for her to let him in.

Zhou Lei finally went out of the bathroom after rinsing his face on the sink. The water made Zhou Lei's already handsome face glisten even more...

Zhou Zhenya saw him and blushed again, looking down on the floor so this friend of her brother couldn't see her shy face.


With his voice, calling anyone's name would make them blush, but with the knowledge that the owner of said voice was extremely handsome, it would make them blush even more!

'Oh my God!' This was the case for Zhou Zhenya, who was close to breaking into a smile as she heard the handsome man say her name, and in a very serious way at that.

"Zhenya, listen to me, and don't laugh." Zhou Lei continued speaking. "I... am actually your big bro."

"Huh? What did you say?" Zhou Zhenya looked at the handsome man in confusion. 'Why would big bro's friend claim that he is actually big bro?'

"Yes, you heard me right. I'm Zhou Lei, your big brother." Zhou Lei claimed outrageously, as he used his thumb to point to himself.

Zhou Zhenya forced a smile. She realized... that the mister in front of her was completely crazy! "Hehehe... stop joking mister."

She quickly grabbed her phone and turned around, contacting Zhou Lei.

Zhou Lei's phone was on vibrate, so only he could feel it going off. He grabbed it and saw the name.

"Hmm? Why're you calling me? I'm right here." Zhou Lei spoke.

Zhou Zhenya raised her eyebrow and looked behind her. She saw a bright glaring phone screen saying "Little Sis: Answer/Reject" on the screen with a picture of her former self as the profile.

'This friend of big brother... actually went so far as to steal his phone?! Is this guy crazy?' At this point, Zhou Zhenya was no longer infatuated. Her face of shyness turned into that of fear.

She hurriedly canceled the call to her brother and contacted another number instead.

"119, what's your emergency?" The other side answered fairly swiftly.

"There's an impersonator in the house." Zhou Zhenya whispered towards the phone, but Zhou Lei could clearly hear what she said.

"What? I'm not an impersonator!"