A Surprising Gift

"What the heck is with my luck?" Zhou Lei said weakly.

He was really shocked at how low his luck was. After all, he was lucky enough to be picked by System out of the seven billion people in the world...

Wait. System? The buggy system?

Goddamn it!

"Aah! No matter how benefits this System gives me, I can't feel grateful for it! I wonder why?" Zhou Lei wondered to himself.

"No matter now. I need to improve my luck first."

Zhou Lei scanned the new interface, looking for his upgrade points.

"Aha! There it... is..."

The longer he saw it, the more depressed he became.

There was only one reason for this.

Available upgrade points: 0

"Didn't I have some left over? Did the upgrade reset it?" Zhou Lei skeptically muttered to himself as he was denial about the fact that he had no upgrade points to speak of.


Hearing this youth's remarks, the scientist tried to recall as well.

"Did he have upgrade points? I can't remember! It's too bothersome." The scientist shook her head as she stopped trying to remember.

"Well... let me just give him points then, on the off chance that the upgrade did reset his points."


"Hai... what's worse, there are no available missions other than these crap ones. 'Be modense'? 'Sleep with your teacher'?! Are you kidding me?!"

Zhou Lei incessantly complained, until...

Ding! A notification appeared in his mind.

"For compensation for possible lost upgrade points, here are 100."

A dialog box popped up with the prompt. There were two choices, one was to accept, and the other one... well, it was to accept too.

"What the hell? Why give me a choice when both options are the same?" Zhou Lei was venting his frustrations. However, in actual fact, he was delighted by the timely arrival of this notification.

He was just thinking about how he could upgrade his luck, and then these upgrade points were suddenly given to him. It's almost as if... somebody was reading his mind.

The scientist in the far future could only sneeze. "Achoo!"

Anyway... obviously, he pressed accept.


Ding! Immediately after tapping the "accept" option did another notification appear.

Zhou Lei opened it instantly in excitement. What... what could it be?

"Host has received 1000 upgrade points. To be used before midnight."

Seeing this message, Zhou Lei was shocked to the point that his eyes were already about to fall off of his face due to them being so open in surprise!

One- one thousand...? It's truly too unbelievable. Too unconceivable.

I could upgrade my luck to the maximum with this! It feels... too easy.


I knew it.

Hehehe, who cares if it's too easy?! I certainly don't!

Zhou Lei looked at the clock and saw the time.

11:58 p.m.

"Ah, s**t! I better do this quick!" Zhou Lei panicked as sweat ran down his face. He hastily tapped many buttons.

"Are you sure you want to put 211 points on: Host's Luck?"

"Yes!" Zhou Lei did not even think before he agreed. It was because he was assured of the fact that nothing would bug out this time. After all, on the first System upgrade, it claimed that that specific bug was already fixed. There was no need to worry over something that was confirmed already.

"Hmm, what else...?" Zhou Lei thought hard about what he should upgrade next. He remembered his parents. Their faces, when compared to him and his sister, were just... ugh.

He decided to put just enough points that would put them to the limit, which was a hundred and fifty.

"Are you sure you want to put 99 points on: Mother's Appearance?"

"Yes." Zhou Lei said with a bit of hesitation.

"Are you sure you want to put 118 points on: Father's Appearance?"

"...Yes." Zhou Lei hesitated more than when he upgraded his mother's appearance.

"Hmm, what else?" Zhou Lei looked around his room and thought of something else to upgrade.

"Are you sure you want to put 137 points on: Host's Stamina?"


"Are you sure you want to put 101 points on: Host's Acting Skill?"


"Are you sure you want to put 84 points on: Host's Computer Programming Skills?"

"I don't have time to do this, yes!"

Looking at the time, there was... Ah! Thirty seconds left! I need to hurry up!

After all that unnecessary spending, Zhou Lei could still be considered the richest tycoon when it came to the number of upgrade points.

He still had a whopping 250 upgrade points! All in all, he had only spent... 750.

There was also the fact that no one else possessed these so-called upgrade points from the start. There was no competition whatsoever, so the title of "The Richest Tycoon When it Came to the Amount of Upgrade Points" was automatically bestowed upon him.

He wondered what he could upgrade in the remaining thirty seconds.

Suddenly, a notification appeared.

"Shop Upgrade Complete."

"Huh?" Zhou Lei uttered as he saw this notification.

Curious, he headed towards the shop. There, he saw that something had indeed changed.

"Ooh, that's pretty cool."