
Zhou Zhenya rubbed her eyes as she heard the incessant crowing of the roosters. It was morning already.

She sat up on her bed and stretched her two short arms, yawning in the process of doing so. She covered her mouth with one of her palms.


She looked outside of her rusty window. This... isn't it still too dark? What time is it anyway?

In the darkness, she groped for her phone. Where is it, where is it? Aha! There it is. She immediately grabbed it and turned the screen on.

"5:32 a.m., huh?" Zhou Zhenya realized that it was too early for her to be up already.

She lied down again.

Hmmm... hmm... hm...

"I can't sleep anymore!" Zhou Zhenya suddenly opened her eyes.

She decided to get off her bed. "Around this time...? Bro should be getting ready for school now."

Opening the door, a light entered the room. Her eyes, used to darkness right now, naturally couldn't take the sudden brightness.

She squinted as she tried to see outside of her room, and at the same time, she let her eyes get used to the light.

Zhou Zhenya walked outside of the room quietly.

Ah, what's that...?

She saw a figure exiting the bathroom. His skin was wet and full of moisture, indicating that he had just taken a bath.

Oh my gosh! What a stunning body! Zhou Zhenya looked at her brother in disbelief. Just the other day, he was a plump man, not attractive at all. What could her brother had possibly done to attain this golden body so quickly?

Of course, as her brother, although there was some attraction, Zhou Zhenya was not affected that much by her brother's charming body. She was just dumbfounded by how fast he had gotten that appearance.

Meanwhile, she never wondered how she got her appearance herself.

Zhou Lei, after walking out of the bathroom, proceeded to get his other things ready for school. Obviously, he needed to get clothed first.

Zhou Zhenya just stared at her brother doing various things as she had nothing better to do. She did this secretly as well since her bother would send her back to bed should he spot her. This was only natural, a child like her shouldn't be up and awake this early in the morning.

"...This is getting boring." Zhou Zhenya got tired of watching her brother. She turned her attention to somewhere else. "Ah, that's right... These walls... they look like garbage!"

Zhou Zhenya turned around and walked towards her room. She grabbed her chisel and her hammer and walked back. After that, she waited patiently for her brother to go.

Finally, Zhou Lei went outside, leaving his bag in the middle of the living room.

Seeing that her brother had left, Zhou Zhenya walked towards the wall. However, by some strange coincidence, her hands slipped right above Zhou Lei's bag.

The two tools she intended to use dropped inside the bag.

"Ah!" Zhou Zhenya suddenly noticed her brother coming back and quickly hid behind the bathroom door. From there, she could see everything.

Zhou Lei walked inside the room with a bunch of snacks in his hands. He was going to eat them for recess. He shoved them inside the bag, grabbed it, and walked out.

Zhou Zhenya was devastated at the sight of her tools being taken away.


Chen Chen and many others heard the shrill scream that came from the women's restroom.

"I told you so!" Chen Chen chided.

"So that was why everyone was looking at me on the train..." Wen Hui spoke in a quiet voice, but it was enough for Chen Chen to hear it.

"See the problem now?" Chen Chen asked her.

Meanwhile, inside the restroom, Wen Hui looked at herself in the mirror seriously. She even felt her own gaze that was directed towards herself.

"I look so ugly...", she thought inside. "...even desperate people won't sleep with me."

Suddenly, she got an idea.

That's it! That student of mine... he probably wanted to sleep with me because of my pretty face. If it's gone, then...

"Hahaha! I'm a genius!" Wen Hui shouted at herself in the mirror.

Chen Chen, who was right outside of the restroom, felt a chill as he heard this laugh coming from his crush.

After much hesitation, he decided to ask. "Erm... what the heck is happening inside there?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Wen Hui responded in a confident voice as she took big strides towards the exit. She opened the door.

Chen Chen looked towards her. My pretty Wen Hui, you're back!



What the heck?



Why did nothing change from before?

He looked at Wen Hui with squinted eyes, checking if his eyes were deceiving him. It can't be, right? Is that her natural appearance or something?

"Uhm, Huihui, why did you not fix your appearance?" Chen Chen asked timidly.

"Oh, this?" Wen Hui pointed at herself. "Actually, I have a plan. So I don't plan to get rid of this until the end of the day."

"...What's the plan?" Chen Chen inquired. He really was too oblivious about his crush's situation, wasn't he?

"Shhh!" Wen Hui put her finger in front of her lips. She then whispered. "It's top secret, I won't tell you."

"Ah... okay." Chen Chen, knowing that he couldn't pry any more information from her, decided to give up asking.

The two walked towards their respective subjects' rooms.

Wen Hui attracted many gazes from both students and other teachers. "Wow. When I didn't look horrible, I didn't get this much attention."

She was getting anxious and embarrassed. She quickly entered the Mathematics room.

Everyone looked at her subconsciously, since she entered the room. It was an instinct of humans to look when someone opens the door.

However, what was supposed to be a momentary glance ended up being a long stare with wide eyes.

There were many teachers aside from Chen Chen who had a crush towards Wen Hui. That was because her face really was too pretty.

One such instance was Xu Yong.

Xu Yong was a fellow Math teacher like Wen Hui, so he saw her entering the room.

"Oh, it's pretty Wen...", he thought. Of course, he wasn't shameless enough to say them out loud.

However, the "pretty" Wen that he expected never arrived. Instead, what came in her place was a Wen Hui that clearly had a bad day.

Wen Hui noticed everyone looking at her. She raised her head and looked back. All of them quickly avoided eye contact as they resumed what they were doing before.

"This is more embarrassing than I thought... I will just have to hold up until Zhou Lei, that student, looks at me with disgust in his eyes."


Zhou Lei walked towards the bus stop, humming along the way. He was both excited and anxious for this day. Of course, who wouldn't be? Especially, he was someone who was recently a man that had no hope in the romance department.

Trailing far behind him was a figure that wore black clothes, wearing black shades. She was staring at his bag. "That bag... has my tools!"