Desperate Times Call for Desperate Calls

"Okay, go home now." Zhou Lei said as he waved her goodbye.

"Thanks, bro!" Zhou Zhenya was happy by the way her brother was today. Maybe his personality has changed? Is it because of plot convenience? While thinking that, Zhou Zhenya walked out of the room and proceeded to walk out of the building, returning home.

After Zhou Zhenya left, Zhou Lei finally managed to think about his silent classmates. They have been staring at their teacher for about five minutes now... and she just had her eyes closed the whole time, a tear occasionally dripping out.

Zhou Lei was getting confused by the situation before him. Why are these classmates of his staring at her so long? Is her beauty that groundbreaking? Not really though...

However, he couldn't decide on what to do, and hence just left the situation as it was right now. After all, nothing bad would happen anyway.

Before long, though, Zhou Lei felt more and more restless, feeling the need to do something.


In Wen Hui's daydream.

Facing the handsome Zhou Lei, Wen Hui wore a white wedding dress.

"I do," she responded.


"By the power vested in me, I shall now pronounce you husband and wife!" The priest said with glee. "You may now kiss the bride."

"This is a joyous occasion!"

"I can't think of anything happier than this!"

"Ah, this steak is so good..."

It appears someone was already eating the food...

Wen Hui took no notice of that. Her mind was occupied.

'I'm so happy right now!'

To confirm that she wasn't dreaming, she pinched herself on her cheek.


All of her illusions were gone just like that.

She opened her eyes back to her lackluster life.

What she didn't expect, though, was that she was now outside the room she was in earlier. There was also a pair of hands on her shoulders, indicating that someone must've pushed her out.

Twisting her whole body, she looked behind her. There, she saw a handsome young man, looking at her with a curious face.

"Hmm..." Feeling that Wen Hui moved a little bit, Zhou Lei removed his hands from her shoulders as fast as possible, instead placing one of them below his chin and placing the other to support it.

Seeing the handsome young man before her, rather than looking at him with infatuation, Wen Hui widened her eyes and sucked all of her breath back. She had completely forgotten about him!

He, for some reason, asked her to "attend to his needs". What's more, is that she actually agreed! She did not remember making the decision, almost as if there was something controlling her mind that time...

Although, it was too late to blame someone else now, not to mention that what she was blaming was a mysterious force that might not even exist. She needed to find a way to reject him before the class ends, or else she might really end up sleeping with her student! It would be a scandalous stain that'll forever end up on her records!

While Wen Hui's train of thought was heading this direction, Zhou Lei turned his head to look back inside the classroom. All of his classmates were now, at the very least, responding.

He walked in and waved his hand in front of his nearest classmate's face, who then blinked in response as she recovered her consciousness.

She squinted her eyes and rubbed them as she tried to recall what just happened. 'Oh, that's right... Miss Wen was so pretty, I got jealous...'

While thinking that, she looked straight and saw someone staring back at her curiously. 'Wh... what? It's Zhou Lei, so handsome, ahh!'

Her eyes widened as she took this opportunity to study Zhou Lei's face. Her expression turned serious.

Zhou Lei saw that she was responding and let out a sigh of relief. He stood up and walked towards the teacher's desk.

His classmate's expression stayed the same as her eyes were glued to the man's body. It was her eye candy. Well, it IS everyone's eye candy.

Now in front of the desk, Zhou Lei raised one of his hands. He then slammed the desk all of a sudden, producing a sound which snapped everyone back to reality.

'H... huh? What happened?'

'Is... is Miss Wen still here?'

'Who is it that slammed the desk?'

All of their eyes turned toward the source of the sound. Their ears couldn't have been wrong.

However, as they saw the figure which had both hands on the desk, with a serious look, they fell into a trance much deeper than previously.

"Okay, listen everyone."

With a stern tone, Zhou Lei continued speaking, "Please snap out of it. Are you listening to me?"

To which his classmates responded with, "Yes, we're listening... very carefully..."

Honestly, with the way they said it, Zhou Lei was not convinced. It was almost as if their brain did not elicit a response, but their reflexes did.

He was even creeped out by their tone.

"Hmm? What is that?" He stared into the eyes of one of his classmates, where he saw... a heart?

"Huh? What? What the heck?" He scanned another pair of eyes, but he was greeted by another of those horrifying images!

"Wh- wh- what?!" His body, sensing danger, retreated a bit. His hair was standing, droplets of sweat appearing everywhere on the expansive area of his skin.

With the sight that he just saw, it would be a surprise if he were to not freak out.

"System! System!!!"