Lightning Speed Level Up

Saturday, noon. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was nice.

Zhou Lei was drooling in his sleep.

Zhou Zhenya let herself inside his room. She had a facemask, with a chisel on one hand and some materials in a sack on the other. It was unknown where she got these items.

From the night before, Zhou Zhenya was working on the design of her family's house. She replaced tiles, wallpapers, and everything else!

Her eyes had bags under them, and her face was dusty. She even coughed despite having a facemask on.

She started to work on her brother's room.

In her opinion, his room had the worst design of all. That was why she decided that it would be the last that she would do.

Unlike the other rooms which only required her to replace things here and there, her brother's room needed to be started from scratch!

"Here we go..." As soon as she said that, a myriad of noises filled the small room.

Zhou Lei's eyebrows subconsciously scrunched up. His hands covered his ears on instinct, but that did not alleviate the situation in the slightest.

Deng, deng, deng! Crack, crack, crack!

"Mhm..." Zhou Lei moaned as he was starting to wake up.

Crack, crack, deng!

Finally, Zhou Lei woke up. "Ugh... so noisy!" He stood up from his bed and looked at his little sister menacingly.

"Bro, please get out ASAP." Zhou Zhenya stopped what she was doing and stood up. She went towards the back of her brother and pushed him out of the room.

"Wait, I still need to-" In the midst of speaking, Zhou Lei witnessed his little sister glaring at him before shutting the door.

"Ah, annoying!" Zhou Lei just scratched his head. With nothing else to do, he looked around the newly refurbished house of theirs.

"This... it's good! Makes me feel like we're rich..." Zhou Lei said. "Wait, where does she get the money to buy these materials?"

He brushed off this thought and headed towards the computer room.

Both of their parents were already at work. As such, Zhou Lei was free to use the computer for himself.

He opened the door and looked inside. "Feels so modern..." He walked inside and inhaled deeply, followed by an exhale of the same caliber.

He found himself smiling as he looked around more.

However, his happiness was cut short ad he saw the severely misplaced computer at the other end of the room.

It was old and dirty, unlike the rest of the room.

"Eh... I need to replace that."

Despite making this statement, Zhou Lei had no money to buy a newer, better model. As such, he left the matter to his future self and opened up the computer as originally planned.

The computer made a boot sound, and a loud exhaust began making sounds.

Zhou Lei opened up and wanted to check up on the status of his novel.

As soon as he did, his eyes widened. He didn't even need to navigate the site, his novel was posted all over the front page.

"Eh... didn't expect this!" Zhou Lei had predicted that it would get popular quickly, but he didn't expect that it would be this quick! It took only two days for his novel to captivate most of the readers...

There was also the fact that there were only 5 chapters out at the moment, but his novel had already exceeded the highest views on

With that information, Zhou Lei pondered, "With statistics like these, why haven't they contacted me yet?"

His primary objective for this was to earn money. Given the massive success of his novel, it was a bit peculiar for Webnovel to not give him a contract.

"Wait... oh, I remember now! There was a requirement of at least 50000 words..." Thinking this, Zhou Lei clicked his tongue.

"I need to start writing now, and publish them! 50000 words with at least 2000 words per chapter... I need 25 chapters."

Zhou Lei opened up Inkslab and clicked on "New Chapter". He put on his Idea Glasses and hovered his hand above the keyboard.

The keyboard worked its wonders, attracting Zhou Lei's fingers to the necessary letters and characters he needed to type!

"Let's go!"


Zhou Zhenya finally finished redesigning their house!

If one looked at it from the outside, he would think that it was a passable house. Entering it, however, his opinion would be completely overturned! There was no denying it, this house's interior design was the best in the whole world!

"Phew!" Zhou Zhenya felt gratified. All of her work the past few days resulted in this...

She wiped off the sweat on her forehead, replacing it with dust in the process.

"Yuck, I feel so dirty." She headed to the bathroom. On the way, she noticed her brother in the computer room, typing as fast as usual. Wait!

Wait a minute...

As Zhou Zhenya stared longer, her eyes widened.

Before, she was uninterested, since even though her brother was typing fast, it looked believable.

Now though, her brother's hands couldn't even be seen!

A small spark could be seen whenever he tapped a key!

The computer was barely keeping up with his pace!

The keyboard's marks were close to disappearing!

"Wha- what's this? Is this even possible?" Zhou Zhenya uttered in disbelief.

Hearing his little sister, Zhou Lei turned his head and responded, while his hands continued to type. "Oh, hello."

"H- hey, there." Zhou Zhenya was still in a daze, struggling to form a decent response. She had fallen deeper into the confusion. How did he respond while keeping up the impossible pace?!

"Come here." Zhou Lei beckoned. He continued typing with one hand while the other gestured for Zhou Zhenya to come.

As he did that, her eyes widened even more, that she looked like an anime character now! His other hand was beckoning for her to come, so how come that the pace he was typing at was getting faster?!

System notifications were turned off. As such, Zhou Lei did not notice the countless notifications that were popping up in his mind.

"Due to usage, proficiency for [Author's Keyboard] has leveled up. Now can type 12000 words per hour."

"Due to usage, proficiency for [Idea Glasses] has leveled up. Now can generate Grade-A+ ideas."

"Due to usage, proficiency for [Author's Keyboard] has leveled up. Now can type 15000 words per hour."