We will not pursue this

The elder and Ah Fude paled. They did not understand what they had just seen. They looked at their clan head and the other elder unconscious under rocks. The elder could not feel the clan head's life qi, but he was sure that the other elder was still alive. This was a bad situation. How can they go back like this? Who would he say killed the clan head and wounded the second elder?

Ed sighed. He was really bad at fighting. The prospect of a good fight always excited him, but it never happened. He understood what Tie Nse was talking about. These people were at spirit-merging and spirit-awareness, which is why he could fight them. In a true fight, he may kill his opponent, but he would lose. His energy which was a combination of all the energies was his greatest asset, but was it any good? He would just be good at killing. He had no idea how to really fight.

He had to be in a life-and-death situation for his skills to develop. In the demon lands, he would have no energy. It will be a fight of brute strength. There, his fighting skills can be honed. When he learns how to truly fight he may be able to kill people above the soul-seeking stage because he would have the skill to be able to go close enough to kill them. At this stage, he was only able to kill those no higher than the spirit-awareness. This is only possible because of the pace-shifting technique. He wanted to know how to really fight. His anticipation for the demon lands was high.

He turned to the remaining two who paled further as they noticed his attention.

"I do not wish to fight you," the elder said and Ed paused.

"And if I'm right, you cannot truly fight either. Your movements are very simple and inexperienced. You must have a technique with you that can kill someone higher than you," the elder said and Ed frowned. This man was very perceptive.

"My guess is that you are really at the spirit-picking stage and your sect sent you to the demon lands where energies don't work to gain experience so that you can truly learn how to fight without the help of that skill," Ed's frown remained. The elder's guess was spot on.

"If you could have such a skill, this means you are some treasure child of a great sect. I have no intention to fight you. Even if I win, your sect will come for my head," Ed gave the elder a complicated look. He may not be from a big sect, but that old pervert was still the head of the Heaven alliance. He was not sure how far the heaven alliances' influence and strength went, but it must be great because the old pervert was really strong. Still, he did not believe for one moment that if he died, that old pervert would come and avenge him.

"Let me take my clan head's body and the unconscious elder and leave and we will not pursue this matter," the elder said and Ed looked at him oddly.

"If what you assume about me is correct then, does it matter if you pursue it or not?" Ed asked.

"Even if you are some treasure child, you are still alone in the demon Lands. If my clan wishes it, we could still kill you and await the consequences. You are still a junior, give us some face and let me take them and leave," the elder warned coldly.

Ed knew what he said was correct. If he did not let them go, their pride would be hurt and they could go mad and damn the consequences. The last thing he needed was some clan hunting him. However, some part of him wondered if it would make for a good experience to face such danger.

The thought passed through his head for a second. Was he mad? Had living in this world so long made him go mad? He was now looking for more danger? He nodded to the man to take them away.

As the man picked up the dead clan head, Ah Fude freed the elder from under the rubble and carried him on his back. It dawned on Ed that they were just leaving the salt bed without waiting for the period of time when the door opened from the salt bed to the demon lands. Now that he thought about it, they just came into the salt bed when they wished. Did this mean that most powers in the demon land had this ability?

The elder nodded to Ed once and they disappeared. Ed nodded at the scene. So it is a teleportation key. Just like the old pervert had said, he and other powers have keys to the Baju Valley. They can just go and come as they like.

The elder and Ah Fude appeared in their clan, clean. Clean as in, both those dead and alive had no blood or open wounds. This was a shame. If one saw them, they would not even know they had just escaped with their lives.

"First elder, who is..." A guard asked before a maid screamed. He knew she must have recognised the clan head.

"Inform the elders; the clan head is dead," he said and the guard stood frozen.