The tower’s first level (2)

Ed and the rest made their way towards the centre of the city. There, stood a large tower. They could tell this tower was so big, it took up half the city. This was because they could not see its sides but could only look up. There was no one guarding the doors, allowing all to enter and leave as they liked. But Ed could guess that only those who have taken the library's test can even dare approach.

They walked in without many people even sparing them a glance.

"Buy your fights! Buy your fights!" a boy said from behind a counter, but many just walked past him. When he saw Ed's company arrive, his eyes sparkled and called for them.

"Hey, newcomers! Come and buy a fight! No fight, no rising up the tower!" he said. Nti Anem approached him curiously.

"Explain. How does one get to the top and what are the rules?" he asked.

"The top? Isn't that a bit too soon? Just worry about winning a fight first," the boy said.

"Since you won't talk, there is no need to waste my time with you," he said and walked away.

"Wait! Fine… I'll tell you if you buy a fight," the boy said, but Nti Anem did not care. He led Ed towards the stairs.

"Amateurs! If you don't fight, you can't climb the tower," the boy sneered. He was right. A lot of those who had ignored him were flung from the stairs the moment their feet touched the steps.

"What does this mean?" Some asked.

"Others are walking past, why can't we?"

"Buy a fight and climb," the boy snorted.

Nevertheless, there were still those who wanted to try their luck and Nti Anem was one of them. He put his feet on the first step and nothing happened, so he continued walking. Ed and Ku Jian followed suit and were able to climb.

The boy looked at this and paled. It was as though he had just been slapped in the face. Those around saw this and got angry.

"Didn't you say we have to buy fights?" one asked.

"Hurry up and let us through!"

"This is cheating!"

Seeing them start to get rowdy, the boy's face turned dark," This is the tower, not your house. If you feel wronged, leave!" he said and the crowd quietened.

So, the three walked up to the second floor unhindered. The same happened on the second third and fourth floors. When they reached the fifth floor, they discovered there were no more staircases.

"Buy a fight!" there was another boy at the counter shouting. He was dressed the same as the other, making Ed wonder if it was a uniform.

"Why must we buy a fight?" Ed asked. The boy was about to retort in scorn when he met Ed's eyes. He unconsciously shivered and started spilling all he knew.

"Every level has five floors till one gets to the fourth level. From there, only one floor is needed. The first three floors have battlegrounds. You have to fight and win ten battle credits from one fight alone, to get to the next floor," he said.

"Why do others have to go through different floors?" Ed asked.

"The library decides from which floor one can start. Some always start on the fast floor of every level some on the first. If one gets ten battle credits on one floor, regardless of the floor, you can choose to go to the next floor or stay back and train," the boy explained.

"Train?" Nti Anem asked.

"The floors have training rooms. Many decide to stay and grow in cultivation before going up or else they will die,"

"Then the battles are to the death?" Ed asked.

"The fighters can set their own conditions. But they must be ready to follow it. As long as you step onto a floor, someone can buy a fight with you. You must accept all fights. Only when you have received enough credits to go to the next floor, can you leave to the next floor and ignore other fights bought with you. Those from higher floors can fight those on lower floors free as long as they fulfil some task. But these tasks are rarely given, so many just ignore those on the lower floors. But those on the lower floor need to pay high to buy fights from higher floors,"

"I see. So those on higher floors can use those on lower floors to train. It's a blood bath," Ku Jian said.

"Can you fight someone from another level?" Nti Anem asked.

"Fights are limited to the levels you are on. Those on higher levels can watch fights on lower levels but can't participate,"

"We will buy fights," Ed said.