Leaving the tower (3)

Ku Jian looked at their paled faces blankly.

"Too Late," she flashed across the stairs to the panic of the rest. She was making her move again. This girl was a killer, the kind that brought chills to people's spines. They could not stay still to be picked off by her.

"Move!" one of them ordered and they scattered in many directions. Just as Ku Jian made to touch someone, she felt a blow land on her back. Even though she had protected her back, the blow still rang through her organs. She retreated some steps down, but her opponents had no intention of letting her go.

They were all thinking the same thing; if this girl gets the opportunity, they will all die. They may all be treasured children of their clans and those who have gone through several tribulations to gain the level of strength they boast of now, and they have killed a fair amount of people themselves, but this girl who stood before them was a natural killer. They saw her movements; every action had a fatal consequence. They could not fight differently. They needed to kill her together.

Their movements became much more ruthless at this thought. Even though no one had said these words, they all understood this fact. They must cover each other's backs. Not allowing Ku Jian to rest for one second; they surrounded her.

Ku Jian coughed slightly, as blood dripped from the side of her lips. She looked up the next moment at those coming at her and her eyes turned dangerously cold. Her ever-soft smile disappeared and was replaced by a cold bloodthirsty look. She was done playing with them. Rotating her energy in her core, she remembered to save some energy to heal later. What she had planned for them, they would not see it coming. As several of them surrounded her, she stood in place allowing them to better approach.

As they were moving quite fast, they did not have time to think about why she was just standing still as they approached. When they were within range, her cold voice rang through the air, "Blood sacrifice,"

They had not imagined that the next moment, they were being pierced through by bloody spikes. Some out-of-range retreated hurriedly. What now? They wondered.

When they looked closer, they saw that those spikes looked like bones. Ku Jian in question was completely covered in blood. She looked very much at this moment, worthy of her blood queen title.

"This girl," Baskii's voice rang through Ku Jian's staircase. He had been completely engrossed by Ed's fight and had not paid attention to the carnage on the third staircase. This skill she just used, he could see that those bones were hers. They had slit vertically in two and tore out from her body and grew at brow-raising speed. Such a vicious skill; using your body as a sacrifice to kill people.

I knew no one on this team was good, Baskii thought to himself. Though a lot of people had died, a lot had survived too. He saw as the bones shrunk and then retreated back into her and her skin healed. This girl must have used up a lot of her energy for this skill. She is as good as dead, he turned away to watch Ed's fight.

Ku Jian's robes were now riddled with holes. She waved her hand through the air and took out another robe from her spatial ring and wore it over the torn one.

Those around were frozen stiff. This girl was too vicious. They saw the bodies at her feet and the cold look in her eyes and shivered slightly. What were they to do now?

"Young Master Ju, I hear your family handed you a sealing technique," a voice rang through Young Master Ju's head. He did not dare to take his eyes off Ku Jian for fear of becoming victim to her vicious killing; as such, he did not try to find out who was making a mental communication with him.

"So?" he answered.

The person too did not dare look away from Ku Jian so s not to lose sight of her, as such, he was only sending mental messages to those around.

"We seal her and leave the tower," the person said.

"Sen Ke, are you mad? Would such things even work? What if it only makes her angrier?" someone said to the person.

"Think about it. All of her skills are physical in some form. As long as we stay away from her, we will be fine," another said.

"Yes, it is best not to provoke her,"

"She will come after us either way,"

"We cannot wait to be killed," another said.

"We seal her in place," Sen Ke said.

"Do you think it will work?" Young Master Ju asked.

"She must have used a lot of energy with that skill, it will," Sen Ke

"Yes, I saw her heal her wounds the moment the bones retracted too, she must be weak now"

"But it will not last. Even if we seal, her in, then what?" someone asked.

"We seal her in, then leave the tower," Sen Ke said.



"Think about it, the tower master only said we will have direct access to leave if we kill her. But right now, the staircase is not as restrictive as before," Sen Ke said.

"That's right. The staircase challenge was to climb the staircase under the restriction set by the tower master. Those that survive and reach the top will leave the tower and the city of desire. Right now, we have been fighting around without any problem. The staircase restrictions have been lifted!" another said.

"Yes, I like this plan. It is better than staying to die,"

"I have my family's turtle shell seal," someone said.

"I have the hell cage, I am not truly able to fully unleash it, but I will help too," another said.

"Good. The moment she is distracted, we release our seals all at once," Sen Ke said. Young Master Ju sighed slightly then took another breath in anticipation.

"Are you all done deciding your next move?" Ku Jian said and they all slightly froze for a second.

She had been watching them for the last minute. Though they said nothing, their facial expressions said it all; these people were discussing through mental communication.

"You all huddle to talk and didn't even invite me. Do you know how it feels to be left out?" Ku Jian asked and they almost screamed at her. They are planning their next move to trap her and they would invite her to join in?

"That's rude," Ku Jian said.

"There must be a way to come to an understanding," Sen Ke said to Ku Jian.

"But you refused the bargain, too late," she replied.

"Asking us to kill each other as the others did does not work for us," A female cultivator said.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" Ku Jian was not really interested. She wished to kill them all and leave this place. But she had used a lot of energy in that one move. She did not have much energy left in her. But she knew that this group would not dare make a move for fear of dying tragically. She was using this time to regain her energy.

"You do not need to fight us to leave," Sen Ke said.

"How?" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"The tower only said to fight to the death. But to do this, it lifted the restriction on the tower," he pulled her into their mental communication.

"This is what you all have been discussing?" she asked suspiciously and they all nodded.

"We don't want the tower master to hear us," someone explained.

"Oh? I'd like to hear this great plan," she said. Of course, she was quite curious. She does not for one believe that this is what they were discussing, but she was interested in a faster way to leave the tower.

"Right now, the restriction on the staircase has been lifted," Sen Ke honestly replied. He too, truly wished she went with this plan. If they could honestly get her on their side and let her leave with ease, they would be safe. The plan to have her trapped would work, but this girl had to man odd skills in her hands, what if she had something to counter them and break their seals? He wished she went for the better plan, trick the Tower Master.

"What restrictions?" she asked.

"Before you and your companions, came, the restriction on the tower made it hard for one to move from one step to another. The higher you go the stronger the mental and physical torture. But to let us all fight with ease, or better yet, to let you kill us, with ease, the tower master lifted the restrictions or else no one would have been able to walk on the staircases normally,"

"Ah, I see. So, what do you suggest?" she asked.

"You have used a lot of strength in that move, we all pretend to be fighting and you spar with us a little as we slowly fight up the stairs till we are just by the door," Sen Ke said. Ku Jian's interest was officially peaked.

"Why should I help you though?" she asked.

"It would help you too. Even on the other staircases, your companion is fighting a soul realization master. The tower is not favouring anyone," Sen Ke said and Ku Jian hurriedly looked to Ed's staircase. She was so involved in her battle that she had not paid attention to Ed at all. A soul-realized being? How did one get on the tower? This tower was a training ground for those of a certain level and soul-realized beings from the light realm did not need to use the shuttle at the top of the tower to travel. So why would one be on the tower? He looked to Ed's staircase at his figure and watched as the old man released his wind arrow to tear through the air, piercing Ed right in his middle. She did not realise when she had let out a scream.