The race to the tomb (1)

The shuttle docked and the passengers stepped out. Ed looked to Nti Anem as he opened the jade slip he had gotten from Sen Ke in his mind. He could tell they were on a highway road. He was not sure what this was until they stepped out of the shuttle. Before his eyes was a glowing road suspended in semi-darkness. The road glowed enough for one to see those walking on it. This highway led directly to the tomb.

The thought of this, made Nti Anem raise a brow. This meant that those who lived in the light realm were aware of this tomb that fascinated the foreigners and built a highway.

Ed followed behind him as both of them glanced at each other. They were both thinking the same thing. This road was long and did not seem to have an end. It stretched out for eternity. How long would it take to get to the tomb?

Nti Anem looked inside the Jade for some information and frowned.

"Those who built this road truly built it to kill those who walk on it," he said to Ed and he raised a brow in question.

"This road does not lead to the tomb. It stretches over the tomb. That means that if one stepped off, they would fall right into the tomb. To build a gateway long and stretched so far over such a sight, they had to do it high up above the site, almost outside the atmosphere of this world to be far enough from the range of the tomb's effects. Even if that fall could not kill a cultivator, falling into the tomb will,"

"They didn't have to put in this much effort," Ed said with a slight sigh.

"Will you be okay from the fall?" he asked.

"Ed, I'm a sorcerer. Those restrictions hold no power over me," he said.

"And entering the tomb?" Ed asked.

"Ed, no one sane should enter that tomb. If it is as that old pervert said, it is just as bad as one touching your energy or worse. The moment we step off, I will stay in the safe layer over the tomb and find a way down quite away from it," he said. Ed nodded and the two started walking forward. They looked ahead of them and found familiar faces. Some of them seemed to be from the Ku clan and the Jade Phoenix alliance.

This caused Nti Anem to raise a brow; they were moving together? He was not aware that they were this close.

Ed did not seem to recognize anyone as he was not really paying attention to them, but they recognized him.

The moment they saw Ed, they looked around him for their young miss. When they could not find her shadow, they approached him. Ed looked away only for a second and found Ku Nam standing before him the next.

"We meet again," he said and Ed raised a brow. He did not think him one to stop and greet.

"Where is the young miss?" one of them behind Ku Nam could not hold back and asked.

"Who?" Ed asked. He could not seem to understand.

"What do you mean by…" Those from the Ku clan moved to attack him, but Ku Nam stopped them with a stretch of his hand.

"Ku Jian," he said and Ed realised who they were. They were from her clan.

"Oh, she could not keep up," he answered and the Ku clansmen were riled up again.

"What did you say?!"

"Where did you keep the Young miss?!"

Ed was even more disinclined to respond the more anger they showed him. He looked away from them, but Ku Nam chuckled.

"She is quite important. Where do you think she could have last stopped?"

"The tower's last floor in the city of desire," Nti Anem answered and they all froze. They heard that a lot of people were stuck in the city of desire without finding a way out. The thought that their lady was there made anger roll off them like a roaring wave.

"Why did you leave there?!"

"Why would the lady be there in the first place?"

"You just left her?"

To this, Nti Anem chuckled slightly, "That girl wanted to follow us, it is not our job to keep her alive,"

As if the anger was not enough, the Ku clansmen were now ready to draw blood after hearing this statement. Seeing the progression of events, the Jade Phoenix alliance stepped forward with their young miss.

"Now, now, it has not gotten to that," she tried to calm the Ku clansmen. Then she turned to Ed and greeted, "We meet again," she said and Ed responded with a blank look.

"Who?" he asked.