Just Who Are You? (4)

"How do you feel?" Nti Anem asked.

"Spirit-awareness?" Ed said and Nti Anem raised a brow, "You did not realize?"

Ed truly did not as he was too immersed in the mountain of information that rushed into his head; he had almost gotten lost inside. The information and images were so fragmented that he could not put them together. He looked to get out but was almost drowned by the shared amount of it.

"Levelling up at every energy point, it will be hard to find other places like this for you to grow. How can you jump a level like that?" Nti Anem asked staring at his dazed form.

"Unless it is not mine," Ed remembered the scholar in the tomb and then looked around.

"It is gone," Nti Anem said and Ed pulled a shirt from his spatial ring and threw it on.

"The tomb reportedly had a lot of ethereal ores around it. I hope you have taken some. Our job here is done. All that is left are those ores," he said as Ed pulled a trouser from his ring, put his legs through and wore in one swift standing motion.

"Your child master would cry if we did not bring anything back for him,"

"You died long ago before being resurrected," Ed said and Nti Anem laughed.

"I am young too? Your master will be pleased you are defending him but, I lived till the end of the second Era," Nti Anem said and Ed gave him a deep look.

"Don't give me that look, Your Highness, I have things to do too," he said and Ed looked away. He produced a layered outer robe from his ring and threw it over himself.

"What now?" Nti Anem asked.

"I need to train,"

"What kind of training?" he asked glancing at those beyond the barrier.

"I need somewhere quiet," Ed said. There was a frown between his brows that warranted Nti Anem's glance. He knew something must have happened in the tomb. He seemed slightly off from the moment he opened his eyes.

"Fine, but you will still need to train your combat skills. Since we are here, we might as well make some enemies," he snapped his finger and the barriers vanished, causing the entire place to descend into deadly silence.

Most of the cultivators were thrown off by this action. They had thought they would try to escape but the act of putting down the barrier without care made them uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" someone finally asked. Nti Anem moved behind Ed, letting him take the lead.

"Move," Ed's cold eyes stared forward and the cultivators' faces darkened. To this, Nti Anem chuckled lightly. With Ed leading the way, he would not be worried about not offending enough people. Ed himself has a way of angering people.

"You went into the tomb, and it vanished. Do you think you can just leave without an explanation?" someone said.

"You will need to make a trip to the Fu Clan to answer this,"

"The Treasure clan will need your cooperation,"

"Move," Ed said and started walking forward.

At a distance, the Ku clansmen led by Ku Nam and the Jade Phoenix Alliance led by Ikan De stood there watching the situation. When Ed moved, Ku Nam frowned.

"We leave immediately," he ordered the Ku clansmen and turned around to dash away.

"Why are they leaving?" Lady Mai asked and Ikan De glanced at Ed's walking form and the sands parting as he advanced and had a bad feeling.

"We retreat too," He said and his fellow disciples frowned but nodded at the serious look in his eyes. They dashed off after the Ku clansmen. Lady Mai gritted her teeth and followed.

From afar, the Ke clan leader, Ke Kong stared at the retreating groups and frowned. The Ku clan know something about that boy they have yet to disclose. This was true in the Heaven Alliance meet. Many had forgotten, but looking at their retreating forms, he had a bad feeling. No one had actually seen that boy fight. Would it not be good to stay and watch? That way they could understand more about him. The next second, he froze. That is right. No one has actually seen that boy fight. This is bad.

"Retreat immediately!" the Ke clansmen saw his serious form and retreated without question. This caused the other powers from the Jade continent to frown. They all started to retreat looking at the frantic retreating form of those great powers. Their instinct told them to run and they did. This made others from other worlds frown.

"Why are they leaving?"


"One should at least watch the fight of soul realization masters of the light realm,"

"To know if they hold up to our world? Not possible,"

"Still, for curiosity,"

"They are not leaving, they are escaping," a grey-haired boy no older than eighteen leading his clansmen said.

"Nonsense, the powers here would not dare offend our worlds. There is nothing to fear,"

"They are running," he repeated, then looked back at the scene ahead and saw Ed's casually advancing form, "from the boy? Why?"

"Young Master, I recognize some of them. The first ones to run, they know him; they talked before the boy jumped from the bridge, probably from the same world," one of his clansmen said.

"They know him yet they run. It is either the boy is a radical killer and will kill all in his path which makes no sense as his opponents are soul realization masters or… who his opponents are and the fight itself is of no importance, just watching the fight is life-threatening…. We leave! Follow the first group that left. I don't believe we cannot get information about those that took the tomb from their mouth," the grey-haired boy said and his clan raced after the first group.

Some watched as others left with a sneer, some understood the undercurrents like the grey-haired boy and left in haste, some figured something was wrong if people were leaving and left, and others just left because others did, just to be safe.

And those who remained? They watched as Nti Anem rose into the sky away from the fight and Ed advanced quickly till he reached the first row of cultivators. The Yhenxia sword appeared in his hand and he sliced through the air sending a wave of his energy crashing into the crowd. He did not bother to have a proper battle. He wanted them gone.

His energy seeped into the air and poisoned it as the slash of the Yhenxia sword took the entire first row. Those who blocked could not have imagined that the sword was coated with such energy as it sliced through them so easily, that many felt their hair stand. What was happening? They could not seem to understand. Those were soul realization masters! Before they could process what was happening? A familiar energy had poisoned the air.

"Impossible!" someone shouted. This energy released from the boy was the same as that in the tomb. No, there was something different, it was much more concentrated and directed.

"Energy from the tomb?"


"It's from the boy!"

"He really took the tomb,"

"How can a person take it?"

"How is he even using it?" many started to chatter.

"I don't think you have time for commentary," Nti Anem said from far above their heads. Just as his words landed, they remembered why the tomb was so dangerous. This energy could erode all things, even energy itself.

Those running away dared not look back as they heard the sound of sky-piercing screams. They only increased their speed.

Those who had yet to run started running away. Panic filled the air. From above, Nti Anem stared at the chaos and sighed, "Mass Death, then,"

He flicked his wrist and those who had not escaped were trapped within a barrier. They hit it the moment they got to it from not stopping fast enough, but could not pass through. The screams became even more heart-wrenching.