Muddy Waters (4)

Many cultivators had heard of the total darkness in the Fu clan area that they rushed down after it had cleared to understand what was happening. In just a few hours, the entire Fu clan forest was surrounded with cultivators. The Fu Clan border line was the only place they could not cross so they could not entire and access the situation many strong clans and powers who had just left the Fu clan after the meeting the night before returned. The guards at the border who had to work harder than usual were given instructions to let them pass.

The powers gathered at the Fu Clan forest where Ed and Nti Anem had stayed for some time now. As they neared the area, they could see the deformity in the trees, causing many to frown and speed up till they met up with the Fu clan.

The Fu clan did not take this matter lightly, as they invited their elders and clan protectors alike. When they saw the guest arrive, they turned to them.

"Fu clan head, your clan has become quite lively," a woman in white said.

"You all insisting to come this time, I assume you have a suggestion for this phenomenon," the Fu clan head answered.

"I wonder who your clan has offended to cause such havoc," another said. The Fu clan head stared at them with blank eyes and then looked away.

"It seems that no one knows of what could have caused this then. I welcome the guest to come to the clan to rest. You have travelled long," he said.

"You don't intend to deal with this yourself, do you?" someone asked. The clan head look up and recognized the one who spoke, he was from the treasure clan.

"If you are willing, the treasure clan can help you with this," another said.

"Oh? Does everyone come also to help the Fu clan? We are honoured, but I wish to understand. If you do not even have an idea of what could have happened, I wonder, how do you intend to help my clan?" the clan head asked and looked around the guests.

"It is only by looking around and studying what has happened can we know how to help you," another answered.

"Ah," the Fu clan head nodded, as though he has come to some enlightenment, "It seems the treasure clan developing great inscription tools is true. These tools could help us better understand. Well, since we are putting our heads together, we must also understand these tools, so we can join hands and reach a conclusion," he said and the treasure clansmen struggled to keep their faces straight.

"Tools as such are not enough to understand what is happening here," a treasure clan elder said.

"Then what is? What does the treasure clan wish to use to find out that we all here may not also have in our clan? For others who agree, you too must have something that we all do not have that could better help throw light on this situation," the Fu clan head said and they all turned silent.

All of them had come with a few goals that they all understood. The Fu clan forest is a treasure trove. If one could gain access to it, it would greatly help their various organisations and families. They all wanted to use this situation to really access the Fu clan. The Fu clan asking that they take out their treasures to put their heads together was an open threat. Besides, no one would be willing to reveal their secrets to others.

"You all miss the point," someone said from behind and they all gave way to the Utang Valley.

"You actually came. You did not even bother to show up when I called for help from other powers to handle the boy," he said.

"That is because you all are full of naivety. Just because you rule over the east lands you think yourself ultimate amongst all others in the light realm," the old man hovered towards them. None of them responded to his words or even showed anger. This was not just anybody. This was the Utang Valley. Their influence stretched across the entire light realm. In the presence of such, they could not raise their head too much. The Fu clan was an odd existence. Even if they stood in the East lands, they had grown so much in power, having such hidden forces, and even owning great sects across the light realm that they can raise their head somewhat. Still, they would never challenge the strength of Utang Valley.

"You insist that we miss the point; that you came this time, you must have something in mind," the Fu clan head said

"Do you think darkness a joke?" he asked and hate others frowned.

"You know something," the clan head took to the air and approached him.

"This has alerted so many people who have not cared for a long time. The report of this darkness has already made its way to The Three," he said and they all frowned.

"They come?" the Fu clan head asked.

"Yes," the old man answered.

"We will not surrender our forest," the clan head said, gritting his teeth.

"I do not know why they are coming, but they seem interested in the boy; the one who took the tomb. You are to do nothing to him until they get here," he said and the Fu clan could barely hold in their anger.

"This boy, no matter of what use he is, he is our clan's enemy. We do not ask The Three when they deal with theirs," a protector said.

"He has our young master," another answered.

"This is of no concern of mine. I am but a messenger. But you had best follow instructions," the old man warned.

"Instructions, since when does The Three rule over the light realm?" the clan head asked. The other powers were revelling in the Fu clan's misfortune. They could barely hide it on their faces.

"I have done as asked," the old man said and turned to leave.

"And if he comes?" the clan head asked and the old man paused.

"You think too highly of yourself," he chuckled.

"You think we make up that he holds a grudge?"

"I think you do not understand the mind of those who hold such powers," the old man answered.

"He said he will come," the clan chief said and the old man looked back at him.

"Then he comes to play," he said and dashed into the distance. This was a cue for all other powers to leave as well. They did not bother hiding their pleasure as they smiled and left quickly. The Fu clansmen were all that remained. They stood in place in silence for a long time, before an elder opened his mouth.

"What do we do, clan head?" he asked.

"Elder Li, I heard you have come to the possession of an eternity space ring," he said and all others looked to him.

"I have," Elder Li could not deny this.

"Give the ring to Protector Ikim," he said and the protector frowned.

"Clan head," he started to say.

"Protector Ikim, your cultivation, would you be able to sacrifice it to take the mine lands into the ring?" he said and the elders and protectors' eyes rounded out in shock.

"Clan head, you can't be thinking of uprooting the clan,"

"Uprooting? No, going into seclusion," he said and they had a bad feeling.

"Clan head,"

"Do not bother to convince me. I must get my son back. Whether he is crippled or not is of little importance. He must be alive. I must meet that boy even if it means going against the Three,"

"Clan head!" they panicked.

"I will not let you all get punished for my decision. I will do this alone. If I survive, I will come find you," he said.

"Clan Head, we fight with you" they insisted.

"It may never get to a fight. The old man is right. We have not offended the boy. Even if he was wronged in the tower by that girl that he took it out on my son, he would not come after a whole clan because of that. He probably wants a fight. Fighting The Three will be worth more than fighting me," he said.

"And if they do not wish to fight The Three? Clan head this may not work," a protector said.

"Then I will give him the entire east lands to fight," he said and their eyes rounded out in shock.

"The section chiefs, they have been bought," An elder said and they all looked at him. If we leave, the spies in the clan will inform their masters.

"What do you mean?" the clan head asked.

"Many people gained information about the boy, but only we had a serum possible to fight him. I overheard this conversation," the elder explained. He remembered passing a hot spring that night and hearing a section chief tell his son to prepare. He would not have thought that the elder had heard all his plans and the thoughts of the other section chiefs.

"Possible. They want to use us as scapegoats to know if it works. If it fails, we will not be able to get out of It," another said.

"Since they receive information, they can send it out. They will send out what we wish them to. You go into seclusion. If the boy accepts my offering, I will join you after I get my son," the clan head decided.

"What do we do with the section chiefs?" An elder asked.

"Of course when they lose their value, we get rid of them; we do not need traitors," another answered.

"Since we are on our own, we should not bother about the fate of the East lands. They know we will fight. They are waiting to scoop the rewards before The Three arrive. Let them come. Since the boy wants a fight, I will give them all to him as offerings," the clan head said.