A Witch's Rage (6)

Ed felt the urge to try more things with his energy, but he held back. This was a chance to fight it out and train his skill. He had thought back in his world that he could be considered one of the best fighters in the lands. But coming here opened his eyes. Even though he had lost the urge for many things. His blood still burns hot in a fight.

He dashed forward and slammed into the crowd. Many knew to give way, others were caught. His palm pushed forward and slammed into two people, pushing them back many steps into others. Ed felt his physical strength was incomparable to others, but how could he not use his cultivation in a fight? There were many ways to do this and only a few were safe. He could activate a martial skill or use a weapon to push his skill to the peak. Your cultivation pushed your abilities to the limit regardless of your physical strength. But this was determined by what energy one cultivated. When he thought about his energy, none of those options was viable. But something else was a key point of cultivation that aided battle strength. The understanding of laws. One does not cultivate to raise power but consciousness. He had been raising strength all these while, while others were raising their consciousness. He felt as though a window had opened up in his mind.

When he absorbed these energies; the tomb, hell tree and Baju valley, they gave him a dangerous amount of wild energy. He feels as though he has just been throwing it around wasteful, without truly understanding it. He had not for once tried to comprehend what he had absorbed. That is why those things sat in his core useless. He absorbed the energy but comprehended nothing. At this moment, he felt itchy. The heat of the fight was getting to him.

Those he pushed rotated their core and pushed back. But Ed had gained in realisation and no more threw around raw energy. He remembered that when in the Baju Valley in his core, he had started to comprehend a law. The law of weight.

"I wonder," he said as he was slammed back by a heavy fist a few miles. He closed his eyes at this moment and returned to the Baju valley and felt the weight descend upon him. Nti Anem's distant eyes returned to the scene and descended upon Ed surrounded by cultivators eyes closed.

The surrounding cultivators were angered by his action they brandished their weapons in rage.


"Dare to close your eyes when this father is before you?"

"A child not even off breast milk,"

"Brothers, attack!"

Nti Anem stared at this scene and shook his head with a sigh, "His very existence angers people greatly,"

Ed tested the weight that descended on him in the Baju valley and then stretched out to lighten it. It was light because he became one with it. It did not mean that it lost its weight. He acted as though to lift all that was within his range and felt the weight, but he held no bearing to his being. He attempted to multiply it. The weight intensified. Even though he felt it, it did not affect him. He and the weight had become one. Right before a cultivator's sword descended, he opened his eyes.

Concentrating on the one coming, he felt his every action. In a dash he swerved out of the way of the descending sword and connected his fist with the cultivator's gut, activating the law of weight. At that moment, the cultivator's midsection was squashed so completely that his insides could be seen.

"Too much weight," Ed commented, not waiting on the reaction of the crowd, he dashed into the incoming crowd and swept his fist. The weight of the wind multiplied, picking up dust that tore the crowd into two. His fist connected with another, sweeping the ground with another, slamming against a rock another, he was moving so fast as though he could predict their every move.

The soul realisation expert hovering above frowned at this.

"Something is wrong with this boy," they communicated with each other.

"He moves as though he could predict their actions,"

"Foresight, how is he doing it?"

"It is not possible to foresee everyone," another said.

"There has to be a range. Use your brain. No matter what martial skill this is, he is obviously only able to predict within a range," Nti Anem hinted at them. They turned around shocked that he was standing behind them and a heaven seeker swung a sword, that turned into a candlestick when it reached Nti Anem, causing him to retreat.

"Energy manipulation,"

"Sorcery," Nti Anem corrected, "Calm down, I am on your side. Only when you all wise up and fight with all your might can this boy have a hard time. He is even enjoying himself, do you call this a fight?" he asked completely unimpressed and then nodded to the distance.

"We wish that you both surrender what you took from the tomb," someone said.

"Ah, so you came to this fight not intending to kill him. You must be stupid. All of you must fight or never leave," Nti Anem said coldly. His sudden momentum caused the cultivators listening to tense. This boy, are we just going to ignore the danger he poses and concentrate on that boy? They were all thinking the same thing.

"You threaten us?" one asked.

"You are quite slow. The moment I locked this place, no one is leaving till the boy is satisfied," he said and they all frowned. They are really using them as sparing mates.

"So you better start fighting seriously. Do not worry about those Three coming. If you can kill him, I will let you leave," he promised so solemnly, they believed he meant every word. To this, they were utterly confused; are they not on the same side?

"Do not worry about nonsense. I will give you a hint; Look," Nti Anem said. At that moment, someone threw a spear beyond Ed's range but his eyes only glanced by when it had entered his range. He swayed away, grabbing the spear in mid-air and it broke out in searing flames. The cultivator smirked and bellowed, "Hell chains!" Chains made of fire sprung from the spear and wrapped around Ed before anchoring him to the ground.

"Iyang!" someone bellowed and someone beyond the range released an earth hammer. Ed could not tell what was coming till it reached his range. Before he could move, the chains strangled even further and doomed itself by tearing into Ed's skin. His blood pumping at this moment with his energy was like acid. It ate through the chain before the heavenly hammer could descend.

"There is a range," a heaven seeker seemed to confirm Nti Anem's words.

"Yes, of three miles," someone else confirmed.

"Good, then he dies today," Elder Se dashed back and descended out of Ed's range on the ground. Nti Anem chuckled lightly as he pulled out a bowl of fried yams from his space, "Now, this is getting interesting,"

The heaven seekers were dangerous people. But they were not taking Ed seriously despite the barrier. Finally, they were going to move.

Elder Se slapped the ground and bellowed, "Three stones Pagoda!"And the entire range around Ed and three more miles beyond was encased within three pagodas that descended from the sky and encased each other, each bigger than the other, each encased within another.

Darkness descended.