Holy Lady (3)

"You have still not told me what you want," Ku Jian said and the blood witch chuckled.

"Biding your time? Still waiting for someone to save you?" she asked.

"You have still not told me," Ku Jian repeated coldly.

"Then die with that regret," the blood witch nodded and Ku Jian felt the spell change. Roots sprung from the floor and latched onto her. Ku Jian waved her hands in circles.

"Iil eztu oi," she muttered and the roots seemed to melt as they approached her. But her spell was not yet as strong as the combined strength of the nine circling her. The roots sprung out faster, latching unto everything till she was completely restrained, trapped in kneeing form in their grip.

The chant had changed at that point as a circle of fire sprung between them. The fire danced as though responding to their chant. The roots latching onto her started to penetrate her skin and Ku Jian felt her life energy start to drain.

"An altar spell," Ku Jian commented.

"Oh, you learn fast," the blood witch answered.

"You wish to use my life to make an altar? But the location though," Ku Jian commented.

"You even have the energy to joke," the blood witch commented as Ku Jian rotated her core and tapped towards the room. Her life energy is flowing into the blood witch.

"You want to become an altar? The holy lady's altar still beats, why?" Ku Jian asked.

"You are still so persistent to find out?"

"I need to know the reason for which I am killed,"

"True, but unnecessary. Only idiots waste time explaining their schemes," the blood witch nodded for the spell to evolve to the next stage.

"Fine then, I will no more play," Ku Jian said and the entire nine paused as her curse descended upon them. Their blood churned wildly almost sending them crazy.

"E monhe carus" she said and blood flowed. Ku Jian was ecstatic at the results. She had written quite a lot of spells, but never had she tried them on a human. To think it was this effective. She saw as blood flowed from all holes on their bodies; eyes, nose, pores, to the ground without stop.

"Enough!" the blood witch flicked her wrist and all froze.

"Idiot. Pe un vue," Ku Jian uttered and screams tore through the halls.

"You dare challenge me?" the blood witch was fully provoked now.

"Legends are the reason for all stupid actions," Ku Jian said as she dragged life from the circle towards the roots like they had done her. The blood witch wanted to become an altar using her life? Then she could do the same.

"Stop this instant!" the blood witch felt her body freeze in place.

"Why, so that you may succeed? You have need for me to stay alive; after all, you groomed me all so you can have a great stew. Two thousand years you waited, with all your power, two thousand years is enough time to dig your grave," Ku Jian said as the roots glues to her skin and started to form roots.

"You could just kill me to stop your death but because of two thousand years you waited to complete this spell, you would even allow yourself to die than kill this goat you have been fattening for so long. Pathetic!" the moment her words landed, the entire circle of nine fell to their knees.

"Kill her master!"

"She is too strong; she is taking over the spell,"

"Master, we can get another her, kill her or we will die as sacrifices," the apprentices called to the blood witch.

"As if it is that easy; she herself knows that the only person who was a cultivator and a witch was the holy lady herself. Is it easy to be both? The legends spoke of a witch being capable of becoming an altar just like the Holy Lady by using this spell, but, is it easy to do? If so, your predecessors could have," Ku Jian said as her eyeballs completely turned black.

The blood witch knew she was right. This girl completely figured out her flaw. Of course, it was hard to groom a cultivator into a witch. It was so rare; the holy lady was the only one who had ever been both. Their worships and texts had talked about the making of an altar. Even though she could not wield so much power as the holy lady, if she became an altar, she could make more villages like her own. She would step further into becoming more like the lady. As Ku Jian dragged away her life force, for a second, she forgot all her ambitions and wanted to live.

She frantically waved her heavy arms and muttered a spell to break the connection. But it was not working.


"You are weak!" Ku Jian chuckled darkly.

"Impossible! The holy lady would not forsake me now. Not now!"

"You are the last of a great order, but one did not consider that you are the weakest amongst them. The only reason you have seemed so strong is because you are channelling the holy lady's grace more than they to make up for your inability. You even sleep under the altar, pathetic!" Ku Jian saw as the tree growing above her bloomed to the horror of those present.

"No! Holy lady!" they called frantically as life left their body. The tree bloomed and died and turned to dust allowing Ku Jian to stand. The cultivators had been released from their binds when the blood witch died. The wise made to leave the room hurriedly but Ku Jian looked their way and all turned to dust. Only then did she look down at her hands. Her eyes had returned to normal, but her dress and veil had been ripped to shreds.

"Holy Lady," she heard a familiar voice say and she turned to look at the one who appeared.