The Bigger the Better

Before the elevator doors closed, Su Qianci heard someone say, "They are so great together…" Then the elevator doors closed, blocking all the noises.

Su Qianci felt a bit strange. So, in their eyes, Li Sicheng and her were happy together. But why didn't she feel that? Instead, her heart was filled with sadness.

"Where did you park?"

The sudden question left her a bit dumbstruck before she answered, "At the gate."

Li Sicheng heard that and pressed the lobby. Quiet. It was incredibly quiet in the elevator. All she could hear was the machinery.


They reached the first floor. She followed him out, and everyone looked in her direction. Under the people's gaze, she felt a bit nervous, bowing her head behind him.

Suddenly, Li Sicheng stopped. Su Qianci immediately bumped into him.
