Don’t Call Me That. It Is Disgusting

After a while, Su Qianci carefully lifted his arm and got out of bed. Li Sicheng did not wake up, and was still fast asleep. Her heart ached. He must have lost sleep last night because she was missing. However, this would not do. She could not stay around forever…

She put on her shoes and jacket, opened the door, and walked out. She was still worried. Rong Haiyue had saved her life after all. Without seeing him okay, she could not relax. She asked a nurse and found out where Rong Haiyue was. Following the room numbers, she suddenly saw a woman coming toward her.

She looked sophisticated and put together. Wearing a long minty green qipao and an emerald coat with fur trimming, she had her hair in an elegant updo. Her makeup was perfect, and so was her posture. A lady that had something unique about her. However, what caught Su Qianci's attention was not her elegance, but her face. She had seen that face more than once.