In a coma for about four days

Su Qianci woke up at the familiar ringtone. When she opened her eyes, it was daytime. The alarm showed it was past 8 Am. She answered the call which was from Cheng You. Why was she calling? She picked up. "Hello?"

"Madam? I… I know you must feel terrible right now, but this could not wait. Can you come to the company at 2 pm?"

"Company…" His company. Right, now that Li Sicheng was gone, his company was not managed. The Li Group must be a mess now. She forgot about that. Sitting up, she listened to Cheng You.

"Yes, after the news about him got out, the stock price of the Li Group has hit a record low. The shareholders are in a rush to vote for a new CEO. Since Mr. Li has 55.3% of the shares, and you are the first in succession, I hoped you could show up at the shareholders' meeting in the company. Can you do that?"