An Award For You

After saying those words, he gritted his teeth and strode back toward the hospital. Yu Lili did not hear what he was saying, and fell asleep. When she woke up, it was already midnight.

As usual, the heart rate meter and nutrients were there. After she opened the eyes, she found she was surrounded by darkness. Seeing a rim of light from the corners of her eye, she turned her head to look at it. It was a laptop. The latest model of a famous luxury brand, a very expensive model. There was no doubt that it was Ou Ming's.

But, in the middle of the night, is he still here?

Before she returned to reality, suddenly the light in the ward was turned on. The sudden light made Yu Lili subconsciously tilt her head and close her eyes. After a long while, she adapted to the light, and the sound of a paper bag came over.