I Haven’t Watched the Snow with Ou Ming.

After finishing eating, Yu Lili went back to the hotel. The long flight had made her tired.

She showered and went to lie down, but she couldn't fall asleep. Her head was full of thoughts. Even she did not know what she was thinking.

Yu Lili decided to get up. She plugged in the graphics tablet and started to paint.

She had not turned on her mobile phone or bring her computer. She didn't want to surf the Internet or turn on the phone and see news about Ou Ming.

The sky is dark outside, so Ou Ming is probably just waking up. Or, he's still in the bed with Shen Manting...

Yu Lili's hand holding the pen stopped painting. She couldn't calm down.

What to paint...

She finally decided to put the pen down and got dressed. Using a red scarf and red hat to wrap her face, ensuring that she should not freeze, she walked out of the hotel.