Sound Recording Exposed

Shen Luo'an had called her many times. Ye Youyou was about to call him back when she heard someone shouting, "Wow, this is really a big news. That woman who attempted suicide yesterday committed incest with her brother!"

Ye Youyou astonished. She quickly went into a state of great agitation and couldn't control her emotion. She turned to look at them and asked, "Who is the woman you are talking about?"

Seeing her extreme reaction, the two staff members backstage looked at each other. One of them said, "Who else could it be? It's Shen Manting who committed suicide a few days before. Oh my God, what an amazing reversal. Didn't she say she attempted suicide because Ou Ming escaped from the marriage? Now, since such a big news exploded, it is a real slap in the face!"

What they said made Ye Youyou's heart beat faster. She asked, "How do you know?"