I Am Ou Ming’s Father

Yu Lili was astonished when she saw the very youngish-looking man standing outside her door. Ou Huojin and Ou Ming resembled each other a fair bit in looks. If not for the fact that she knew he was Ou Ming's father, she would have guessed that he was his brother. Just from outward appearances alone, it was hard to tell them both apart.

Yu Lili was lost in thought momentarily, but she quickly regained her wits and tapped on the screen to open the door. "Come on in, Uncle," she called out.

Ou Huojin did not expect Yu Lili to react that way. He'd expected her to coldly blame him and question what he was doing there. In order to prevent his wife from being humiliated, he had deliberately prevented Jiao Ziqing from coming with him. Evidently, this girl was nothing like what he had imagined.

His eyes slightly flashed. Satisfaction filled his heart as he strode in. "Do you live alone?" he asked.