That String Of Numbers

Yu Lili quickly got up and went to the door of Ou Ming's room. She hadn't even taken a sip of her tea.

Jiao Ziqing took one look at her and left the house.

Nobody had expected that the wait outside the door would end up lasting more than an hour. Throughout that period of time, Ou Ming did not step out once.

Yu Lili stood by the door. Her mind was a complete blank. Suddenly, her cell phone vibrated and chimed. It was a text message.

She opened the text message and saw that it was from Ou Ming.

He sent a text message?

It was a string of numbers. 98545496636336746822

What did that mean?

Yu Lili stared at it for a long while, but she couldn't decipher it. She called Ou Ming and could hear the muffled sound of his phone ringing on the other side of the door.

She was ready for Ou Ming to answer the call anytime. Regardless of how many times she called him, he did not answer.