What Was Ou Ming’s World Like Now?

When Shen Zhilie heard that, he picked up his bowl of beef noodles and turned to face a different direction.

Yu Lili sat down to rest in the hotel. Shen Zhilie suggested taking Old Mrs. Shen out to the popular park nearby for a walk. As the local, Yu Lili naturally provided them with a list of things to do and places to visit in Kingstown.

They were out for a whole afternoon. Around 2 p.m., they started feeling hungry. They randomly picked a place to eat. Afterward, they continued exploring the city the rest of the afternoon away. By the time they returned to the hotel, it was nighttime.

After dinner, Yu Lili told them she still needed to work. She said goodbye to the old lady and headed home.

As she stood at her own door, she felt for her keys. Upon opening the door, she was faced with familiar surroundings. The invisible strings that had been tied around her heart and body suddenly loosened.

She was home. She was finally home.