Feed Me

Yu Lili looked blankly at the phone trying to process that Wen Fenglin had just hung up on her, feeling bewildered.

How did this happen? Ou Ming's mother had passed the phone to Ou Ming's father, and Ou Ming's father had pushed the responsibility over to Uncle Wen. Was Ou Ming really their child? Or had he been picked up from the streets? Abandoning a blind man in an unfamiliar place with no one to care for him… Wasn't that asking for trouble?

Yu Lili suddenly thought of something. Ou Ming's network was vast. He had friends in every corner of the country. Although most of the friendships did not exactly run deep, there was no lack of people who were eager to curry favor with him once they knew who he was.

For such an individual, all he had to do was make a call and going hungry wouldn't even be an option.

Alternatively, did he not want anyone else to witness him in this state?