Whom Are You Trying To Fool With This Delicate Act?

Yu Lili looked up in surprise at Jiao Ziqing and asked, "Is that bowl for me?"

Jiao Ziqing witnessed the obvious disbelief on Yu Lili's face and suddenly felt uncomfortable. She turned around and said, "Of course. This is what proper upbringing is. I apportioned a bowl for my son. There's no reason why I shouldn't apportion a bowl for you too. You, on the other hand, projected your own petty prejudices onto me."

Jiao Ziqing's blunt words made Yu Lili's face redden in embarrassment. Indeed, she had projected her own prejudices on the other party. 

Yu Lili put the bowl and chopsticks in her hand down, and walked up, saying, "Thank you. I'm sorry. I misunderstood your actions just now."

Jiao Ziqing sat to the side of the table and looked at Yu Lili. She tightened her lips and said, "Forget it. The magnanimity a person demonstrates is a reflection of their upbringing. I won't hold it against you."