You, Unconscionable Cad!

"I have no idea! Come, let's go look for your mommy." Yu Lili held the little girl's hand. A smile came to her face naturally.

Ye Qianqian saw the way Li Jianyue resembled Su Qianci and asked in surprise, "Is this Su Qianci's daughter? Wow, she's so cute! There are no pictures of her on Weibo, and none on the Internet at all! I never thought she'd be so pretty!" Ye Qianqian crouched down. Looking at Li Jianyue with a smile, she asked, "What is your name?"

Li Jianyue had never been one to shy away from strangers. When she saw that Ye Qianqian liked her, she laughed happily and replied, "Auntie, my name is Li Jianyue. I'm five years old this year!"

"How fast time flies!" Ye Qianqian extended her arms toward her. "Can I give you a hug?"

Li Jianyue had always loved receiving hugs from adults. When she heard Ye Qianqian, she immediately raised her arms.

Ye Qianqian carried the child gleefully and asked, "Lili, where is her mother?"