It’s Impossible That They Ever Had A Child Together

To Wen Fenglin, the name "Chi Xian" sounded both familiar and distant at the same time. He jerked in surprise and put his bag down. Maintaining a neutral expression, he asked, "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly bringing her up?"

"Before telling you what we're about to, I would like to ask you a few questions." Ou Ming held Yu Lili's hand with one hand and rested the other on the table as he looked Wen Fenglin calmly in the eye.

"Sure. Ask away." Wen Fenglin didn't mind one bit.

At that moment, the service staff brought their order to the table. Wen Fenglin watched as the waitress laid the drinks down and thanked her before looking back at Ou Ming. Beneath his dark-rimmed glasses, doubt clouded his eyes. He picked his cup up and took a sip.

Wen Fenglin's features were pleasant, and the kind smile that was constantly present gave him a clean and comfortable disposition that complemented his scholarly bearing.