Shen Manting Was Just As Weird As Shen Luo’an

Ou Ming thought the same way. Shen Zhilie wants to come along?

He would much rather they find their own way with a map, but breakfast still had to be eaten.

"Let's finish our breakfast first. There's not much we can do if we happen to meet him." Yu Lili nodded in assent and took her bowl of porridge from the maid. She took a mouthful and said, "It's hot…"

"Be careful. Eat it slowly." Ou Ming took the bowl from her and passed her a paper napkin.

Yu Lili agreed, but didn't exactly slow down with her next few mouthfuls. When she was halfway through her bowl, the sound of stilettos was suddenly heard.

Shen Manting appeared. Her face was elegantly made-up, and she was clad in the latest spring wear from various luxury brands. Her pink skirt fitted her to perfection and outlined her beautiful figure very well. The silk scarf around her neck was especially tasteful.