You Can’t Keep Such A Man By Your Side

When Ye Qianqian turned and saw Ye Youyou's expression, she felt awkward and said, "Hold on, Youyou."

On the other side of the line, Shen Luo'an went quiet. What he felt toward Ye Youyou was still special at the end of the day. She was his wife, as well as his childhood sweetheart.


When Ye Youyou heard Ye Qianqian's unspoken admission, her curiosity was piqued. However, Ye Qianqian disconnected the call immediately before she could hear anything else.

"What were you talking about? What do you mean by 'Shen Manting left?'" An ominous feeling overcame Ye Youyou. She observed Ye Qianqian's guilty expression. Her tone grew even more suspicious as she asked, "How did you know about it?" 

As she spoke, her eyes landed on the phone in Ye Qianqian's hand. "Is that phone Shen Manting's?"

"Oh man!" Ye Qianqian was annoyed at being pushed to the corner. "Will you please stop asking? In any case, this matter is of no benefit to you!"