The Children Of The Li Family Cannot Be Treated Like Children

Li Jianqian listened intently as Li Sicheng gave a detailed explanation. Even though Ye Youyou and Li Jinnan hadn't seen the question, they knew what it was from the explanation alone.

When Li Sicheng was done explaining, Li Jianqian picked up his pencil and redid the question. This time around, everything was correct. 

Li Sicheng nodded his head in satisfaction. "Go ahead and pack your things. Go with your uncle to your grandfather's house."

"OK." Li Jianqian kept his book and good-naturedly made his way upstairs.

Li Jinnan clicked his tongue and shook his head before asking, "Say, Second Brother, how were these children taught?"

"I taught them myself," Li Sicheng replied.

"All three of them together?" Li Jinnan looked at Li Jianyue in his arms and found that idea to be unrealistic.