My Mom Is Coming Over Today

It was early morning. Ye Youyou stretched her back. Her whole body was aching so much it felt as if it'd been overused.

With that action, she felt her joints crackle. Her body felt a lot more comfortable. Before she could complete her stretch, an arm reached out and snatched her over.

Li Jinnan moved his fingers to rub her neck and slightly bruised jaw. The sensation tickled.

Ye Youyou turned her head away in complaint. She pushed his head away as she protested, "Stop that! It tickles!"

Li Jinnan acted as if he hadn't heard anything and began to make mischief on her white and delicate skin. "Where does it tickle? Is it here? Here? Or here?"

Ye Youyou was ticklish all over. She burst out in laughter as she pushed him away. "Stop that!" she cried out.

"Hm…" Li Jinnan held her captive in his arms and demanded, "Kiss me."

"No." Ye Youyou turned and faced her back toward him.