If I Can’t Get a Girlfriend, I’ll Just Look for a Boyfriend

Ye Qianqian brushed her teeth and washed her face. For some strange reason, she was feeling conflicted. Weirdly, while it wasn't a good feeling, it wasn't exactly a bad feeling either.

When she walked out, Shen Zhilie was seated on the couch fiddling with his mobile phone. He saw her emerge and switched his phone off before standing up.

When Ye Qianqian saw him, the likely possibility that he had carried her back from the hospital suddenly occurred to her. Her heart oddly skipped a beat. She didn't dare to look at him. She kept her eyes fixated on the dining table.

There were two bowls laid out on the table. Between them was a pot of piping hot porridge. It was really fragrant and looked absolutely delicious.

Although Shen Zhilie's cooking skills were a little subpar to Yu Lili's, it was still beyond a shadow of doubt better than most other men.