Mommy, I Miss My Older Brother!

Ye Youyou reached out to rub Li Jianqian on his head and replied, "That won't happen. Your little sister worships the ground you walk on. She'll never think you're a fool. You've been a really good brother."

Li Jianqian looked down and didn't say a word.

He gripped the crystal ball tightly in his hand, but the expression on his face did not reveal his thoughts.


Li Residence, Yuxiu Villa Estate…

Li Jianyue was hugging the puppy, Teeny Su, and bawling her eyes out. Her tears and snot mingled together, creating a mess on her face.

The golden retriever puppy sadly frowned at her and howled along in sorrow.

Li Mosen stood in front of her. At a loss of what to do, he asked, "Why are you crying? Look! Even the puppy has been frightened by you!"

Li Jianyue wailed even louder. Her little round and white face was covered with pink splotches and streaks of tears.