What’s Wrong with Living Together? We’re Not Sharing a Bed!

If Shen Zhilie and Ye Qianqian really ended up together in the end, the relationship she shared with him would grow complicated.

She was Shen Luo'an's ex-wife, which made her his ex-sister-in-law.

Although there had been no official ceremony when she married Shen Luo'an, everyone in the Shen family still knew her.

If they found out that Ye Qianqian was her older sister, what would all their friends and relatives think?

Ye Youyou found the whole notion ridiculous. As she observed the way they bickered with each other, she wondered if she had indeed misunderstood the relationship between them.

It was clear from their words that they weren't in a romantic relationship. Since that was the case, it couldn't be possible they were living together.

Ye Youyou had finally managed to convince herself with her own logic. After some thought, she went back to quietly finishing her food.