How Did I Perform?

Ye Qianqian was about to push his hand away in annoyance. She asked, "If not for you, would I have fallen at all?"

If she hadn't fallen, she wouldn't have had to miss the signing of the documents for her trip to Venice.

Because she wasn't able to sign the documents, her voucher for the five-day and six-night trip was now as good as invalid.

The incident had caused Ye Qianqian to fume for many days.

"How could you blame me for that? The blackout wasn't my fault! Moreover, you were inside on your own. Who could know what you were doing that caused your fall?" Shen Zhilie's expression was one of innocence as he reached his hand around her neck and pulled her close to his chest.

Ye Qianqian's body looked especially petite in front of him. When she struggled, it was so inconsequential that Shen Zhilie barely felt a thing.