There Are Children Present!

Ye Qianqian turned her head when she heard that.

Shen Zhilie wasn't looking at her. It was as if he had simply made that statement in passing.

Ye Qianqian tightened her lips into a thin line before looking away with an air of annoyance. "How shameless," she commented. "Who's going to marry you?"

"Ye Qianqian."

Ye Qianqian turned back to face him. "What now?"

"Ye Qianqian's going to marry me." The smile on Shen Zhilie's face widened. His exquisite and beautiful features carried a hint of yearning in them as he added, "That day will come."

The golden rays of the sun shined on his face, making it seem as if he were bathing in golden light.

From afar, a church bell rang softly and slowly.

It was sacred and slow and accompanied by the singing of the religious devotees. Everything was unbelievably perfect.