Fang Tongtong Is in Love

Ye Qianqian's curious voice could be heard over the phone.

Shen Zhilie's heart was practically in his mouth. He hastily replied, "How's that possible when I'm in the Capital? Talking about that, what has Fang Tongtong been up to lately?"

Ye Qianqian chuckled along. He was right. How was that possible?

Shen Zhilie was in the Capital while Fang Tongtong was here in Kingstown.

When Ye Qianqian heard that question, she tucked a lock of hair behind her ears and couldn't resist smiling as she answered, "Well, I think that girl has fallen in love. She leaves the house humming happily to herself every day and only comes back after dinner. I've been resigned to having dinner on my own lately. I'm just glad that the age-old spinster is finally going to get rid of her single status. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief for her."

When Shen Zhilie heard that, he turned his eyes toward Fang Tongtong.