To Meet His Parents

Ye Qianqian was not at home. After Shen Zhilie bandaged up his wound, he went to search all the places she would possibly go.

They included Ye Qianqian's office, Ye Youyou's home, and Yu Lili's home, as well as the restaurant where they often ate their meals.

However, she was not to be found in any of these places.

It almost drove Shen Zhilie mad.

He finally received a call from Ye Qianqian. When Shen Zhilie heard her speak in a drunken slur, it did not put his heavy heart to rest. He instantly felt as if his heart was in his mouth. He was at the pinnacle of anxiety.

Shen Zhilie's anxious voice could be heard over the phone. In Ye Qianqian's state of drunken stupor, she merely felt overwhelmed by the waves of grievance that washed over her.

The anger, which she had suppressed in her heart for a long time, overflowed and drowned even more furiously.

Ye Qianqian let out a wail without bothering to suppress herself.