What Goes Around Comes Around

"Do you believe what Fang Tongtong said?" Ye Youyou felt frustrated by Ye Qianqian's failure to live up to expectations. "What if she merely wanted to make you guys break up? What if she was merely up to no good? What if she fell for Shen Zhilie and wanted to snatch him away from you and to be the third wheel?"

It was not that Ye Qianqian had never considered those possibilities.

Ye Qianqian returned Ye Youyou's gaze and said, "Fang Tongtong has never had a boyfriend before. Could she have said these things so casually? Everybody knows that Shen Zhilie is my boyfriend. If she wanted to ruin our relationship, how horrible would her reputation be if news about this were to spread out?"

"I don't think it is impossible. Shen Zhilie is not a fool. Since he loves you, it would be impossible for him to be caught up in ambiguous relationships with other women."