So Darn Embarrassed

But she didn't call him out on the lie, and simply lowered her head to continue eating.

Ye Qianqian felt absolutely wanton! Here, right in the middle of dinner with his family… D*mn it! It was all Shen Zhilie's fault!

It was fortunate that Shen Zhilie's parents seemed pretty easygoing, but if his grandmother were to suddenly return and catch them in the act, wouldn't that be…

Blushing furiously, Ye Qianqian looked down and finished her food without a word. Except for the fact that Shen Zhilie kept reaching out to caress her under the table, the rest of dinner passed without any incident. Luckily, even after dinner was over, Old Mrs. Shen still hadn't returned.

Ye Qianqian was done eating, and she was about to help Nanny He clear the table when Shen Zhilie suddenly pulled her away.