To Profit from a Misfortune

"Her horoscope?"

"Yeah, her horoscope."

Shen Zhilie glimpsed at the photograph by the side of the bed and said, "Grandma is truly weird at times. Most of the time, she either looks at a person's face or palm, but when it came to Sister Manting, she used her horoscope instead."

"How did Grandma obtain her horoscope details?"

"She deliberately sought it from the orphanage." Shen Zhilie glanced at Ye Qianqian, his expression unreadable but tinged with bewilderment. He said, "Grandma was adamant in her belief that her granddaughter was still alive, and said that if this granddaughter could return, her life would be without regrets. She spent twenty years looking for her. If she were still alive, she would be approximately twenty-nine years old now."

"So, Grandma went to the orphanage with the intention of searching out an orphan of that age?"

"Yes, and it was with that birth date and horoscope information that she found Sister Manting."