This Wasn't What They Had Agreed Upon!

After all, they had been friends for so long, and Fang Tongtong had suffered such terrible misfortune…

But something still felt wrong. Mrs. Fang's explanation had seemingly justified her actions.

Although Shen Zhilie hadn't understood what the women had spoken about, he could roughly guess the gist of it.

On the way to the airport, he noticed Ye Qianqian staring at her phone in a daze. With a soft sigh, he said, "Just call her if you want to."

Ye Qianqian glanced at Shen Zhilie and suddenly felt a pang of guilt. Shen Zhilie vehemently hated Fang Tongtong, and yet he was urging her to call her.

There were still over ten minutes left in their journey to the airport. Ye Qianqian gave it some thought and finally dialed Fang Tongtong's number.

The phone rang for a while before someone answered. "Hello? Qianqian?"

It was Fang Tongtong's voice.