She Really Was Pregnant

Shen Luoan subconsciously glanced at Ye Qianqian.

It really was her. No wonder she looked so similar to Ye Youyou.

Shen Luoan and Shen Zhilie were sitting side by side. They weren't speaking loudly, and yet Ye Qianqian suddenly felt like she was being stared at. She subconsciously turned around and glanced back at them.

Shen Luoan stopped looking at her and continued eating.

Shen Zhilie could sense that Shen Luoan was acting a little strange. Suddenly, he recalled what had happened between Ye Qianqian and Shen Manting.

Something seemed a little odd. He turned around and looked back at Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian returned his look and frowned, confusion on her face.

"Everything is fine. Continue eating," Shen Zhilie said, turning her head back around.

"Eat your food, otherwise it'll get cold," Old Mrs. Shen said aloud.

Shen Longyue also waved his hand and smiled. "Look at me just chittering and chattering on. It's time to eat!"